Bounty Hunting

Tonight I'm putting a $20 bounty on HeffMike for The Mookie.  Knock out Mikey and I'll ship you $20, plus I'll write nice things about you on this here blog. 

Why $20?  He put a $40 bounty on me and I figure he's worth about half of my value. :)

Take the fucker out please and you'll have my undying adoration, and um, $20.

I do not want this to happen tonight - so take the little plankton out.

Play smart Bitches and hit that bounty.



Josie said…
Oh and should the planets align, and Heff somehow wins.....He does NOT get the $20. :P That's how I roll.
KenP said…
I think it is time for the two of you to bet you can run 100 miles in 24 hours.
Josie said…
LOLL I need some training time. Like a year!
Wolfshead said…
How come the bounty is in the Mook and not the VJ?
Josie said…
Cuz I desperately want him out of The Mookie. Oh and cuz he sux. he's only won The VJ once - I doubt he can do it again.
Mike Heffner said…
we're being cheeeeeeeeeeeepppppppp....

Anyhow, I have a feeling there's a cloud over my head tonight, so no one should be too worried.
Josie said…
Cheap??? That's the biggest bounty I've ever put on anyone. You should feel honored.

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