Don't get your panties in a twist

Boy, some people!

Waffles loses last night and rants about how I'd lose to a vegatative retarded person.  You'd think by now he'd be used to losing but nope!  And get this he blames it on God hating him.  Good thing he's turned over a new leaf about taking responsibility, huh?

And then Bayne posts that I'll be thrown under the bus tonight in Survive Donkey Island.  And I thought Bayne was somewhat intelligent.  I guess I'm not always right. :)

So if you want to watch the great backstabbing of Very Josie, I suggest you do NOT play The Dank tonight.  You will be disappointed.  I trust my boy(s).....the ones that are trustworthy, that is.

Play smart.



KenP said…
If you'll untwist yours and reread Bayne, you'll see he was paying you a compliment. It might have been left handed but it was still a compliment.
Josie said…
What do you mean "MIGHT HAVE BEEN"? Come on! Bayne doesnt give me compliments! Get with the program.
KenP said…
He said you were the one to choose because you were the odds on favorite in the silly way this is structured.

How ever it turns out, that was a compliment. He was saying you've played it better than any other.

And, from what little I've paid attention, he has nailed both choices.
KenP said…
And, I'd suggest you don't update comments until after tonight.
Bayne_S said…
Thanks Ken for having my back
PokahDave said…
Now that you've been waffle-ized are you going to quit like DBCooper? I hope not....
Josie said…
LOL Pokah Dave, nah. He's said worse.
Mike Heffner said…
I liked the original version better ;-)


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