Hey, It's Okay Tuesday!

Every week, Airing My Dirty Laundry One Sock at a Time, does this thing called Okay Tuesday where she lists a bunch of things to be "okay" about, and since imitation is the most sincere form of flattery....let's go!

It's Okay.....

That Madonna will be performing in the half time show at the Super Bowl.  Very okay!!!!  OMFG The SuperBowl and a free perfomance by Madonna!  Sign me up!  I saw Madonna in concert once, about 15 years ago, in Foxboro Stadium, and um.....the seats were so bad I couldn't see her on the stage.  That's one big mo' fo' stadium.  Thank goodness for big screen tvs.  When I told him Madonna would be doing the superbowl half time show he responded "Who's that?".  OMFG  Youth is wasted on the young.  Which reminds me, I was loading some music (yes, old 80s & 90s music.  stfu) and somehow got Ceilo Greene! Sugar Bear was the culprit.

That I live in Boston and today it's going to be 65 degrees, like yesterday and the day before and the day before that.  I dunno what's going on but normally I would've complained about the too cold weather alot by now.  I haven't because it's been so nice.  Not that I'm complaining but this isn't Boston weather!  Whee! I mean it's December.  It is supposed to finally get cold (blah) Wednesday night but only for a couple of days.  Awesome.  I love heat.  Hot heat.  The hotter and sunnier the better.  I'll bake in the sun all day so long as I have a good book and some good music (Madonna!).

That I haven't won a 5 digit payoff in a poker tournament YET.  I've won 4 digit prizes many times, both live and online, but ohhh that elusive 5 digit prize.  It's going to happen.  And I'll take pictures.  :)

That Bayne did the best this week in our little football challenge.  Anything is okay so long as I beat Waffles AGAIN, and I surely did.  I made up some points in my other league as well.  Up to 4th place again and there are 3 prizes in the end of year thingy.  Very close but 3rd place most certainly isn't my goal.

That there's talk about building a casino (and hotel and small country) in Foxboro.  Most of that talk is coming from Robert Kraft and Steve Winn (of Winn casino in Vegas if you don't get out much).   Apparently there's some law that Kraft can't profit from gambling in Foxboro but he can lease land to Winn.  Interesting.  Of all places in Massachusetts, Foxboro is one my least favorite places for a casino.  I mean really.  South Shore?  Blah.  Yet still.....it'll be alot closer than Foxwoods.  Ah Foxwoods, I miss thee....and James Woods too.

That my sister brings me a book to read/borrow, and as she hands it to me she says "Here, this wasn't very good."  Really?  The ones she calls "good" are actually kinda shitty, so I can only imagine how bad this is.  Yet, I suppose that was thoughtful of her.  She's the person who bought me the world's WORST poker book.  I dunno if was for my birthday or Christmas but it was horrid.

That Evan and I watched The Hangover on TBS over the weekend.  LOL  TBS's version cut out all swearing and offensive language.  The voice overs were almost as funny as the movie itself.  Instead of "Paging Dr. Faggott! Dr. Faggott!" it was edited to "Paging Dr. Nancy!"  lol Many items were lost in translation.  Perfect for my Sugar Bear!  While we were watching it he asked if he could watch Hangover II again.  "Not until you're twenty-one years old!" was my answer.  "But I've seen it before!".  TFB Two wrongs do not make a right.

That I almost dummy slapped the teller at Bank of America.  Really, that IS okay, as I am still amazed that I showed so much self control.  That bitch needed a slap.  Actually this encounter deserves it's own post.  Tune in late this afternoon.  I don't know why I still have an account with that.....that......bank.

That Evan is showing an interest in girls.  Actually, girl. Singular. A video game playing, texting fiend of a girl, who I'd never met before.  At least I'd never met her before Halloween, when she came around sniffing for Evan.  Yes, I said sniffing!  Anyway, I'd heard lots of stories about this girl, who can skateboard and play COD and gets in trouble at school but I'd never met her.  Every other friend of Evan has practically moved in, but not her.  Anyway, on Halloween I see this lovely girl with long straight blond hair....a Marcia Brady look alike....and she's chasing Evan with a can of silly string down our street.  (the ho)  And that's her!  Ut oh.  I sense trouble ahead.  But that's Okay!


PS Come back later for details of my Bank of America misery.  Okay misery is a tad too strong but still.


Cranky said…
VJ - I can't say I'm happy about casinos coming to Massachusetts. The evidence is that casinos make the communities around them poorer as they suck so much disposable cash out of the area. But, right now, a lot of dough is leaving Massachusetts and being lost at Foxwoods and Mohegan Sun. So, I guess it's better that the money be gambled in Massachusetts to generate tax revenue.
crafty said…
it's Cee Lo Green. Sheesh! You're so unhip I'm surprised your bum doesn't fall off.

OK, that's a line from Douglas Adams, but treat it as mine for the day.
Josie said…
@cranky, bullspit! that is total bs. how bout all the money lost on the mass lottery? shiat that people do not have odds to win, yet they pump $$ into. xoxo

Gary - whatever! I must say i did enjoy the song - ...you're travelling round town with the girl i love and im like forget you and forget her too!
KenP said…
Reminds me of Saturdays instead of Tuesdays. That was the day the local movie house showed the serials. Those were Flash Gorden and Lash Larue. but in earlier times they'd be melodramas.

I am going to have to let the stash grow so I can twirl it over your tied to the tracks self.

Later, Pauline.

P.S. Any of those books banned in Boston?
crafty said…
I think it's a great song. Sure, the lyrics are a little gimmicky - the backup girls sing "ain't that some shit" in the uncensored version - but it's good to hear someone producing some genuine Motown sounds again.
Josie said…
Ken, as usual i have no idea what the eff you are talking about besides your "banned in boston" comment. For that.....let me retort. IT'S MY BLOG and i will not post any crap from you that i find offensive. And really there are like only two words in the english language that i find offensive, so it's not like I'm Russia or anything.
Cranky said…
VJ - I'm not quite sure which part of my comment you took offense to. The lottery's vig is much higher than casinos. But, 1) the winnings are returned to Mass cities and towns and 2) in a casino, you bet over and over and over so the impact of those small vigs per bet really adds up.

I hope when those casinos are built, that one is on the north shore for you :-).
crafty said…
Ken was waxing nostalgic about the movies. Lash Larue was a cowboy.

My dad used to say that Saturdays during the war were a lot of fun for not a lot of money. For a dime, you could go to the movies and see a cartoon, a newsreel, a two-reeler like the Stooges, and the feature. He said he'd walk to the theater with his head down because if he found a penny on the street he could get a candy bar.

What relevance that has to this post, however, is entirely beyond me.
Josie said…
@cranky, I wasn't offended by your comment at all. It's just an old, tired and useless one. No casino because the droids in this area cannot think for themselves and will lose all their money. blah. people will gamble if they want to, whether it's convenient or not. see very josie.

to say the vig on the lottery is "higher than a casino" is like saying an elephant weighs more than an ant. I'm sorry but it pisses me off to see hardworking people pump dollar after hard earned dollar into something they are not going to win. ugh. I'm all about choice....and again you didn't offend me at all, and you better not be offended yourself or....I dunno. ;)
SirFWALGMan said…
Curses you beat me by 1 point.. BUT JMAN won the whole thing not Bayne.. Unless I counted something wrong. JMAN! JMAN! JMAN!
Josie said…
Yep, I beat you AGAIN. *yawn* I dunno bout jman cuz i didn't see his picks.
KenP said…
The Pauline reference didn't give you a clue, right?

My Snidly Whiplash didn't help?

Curses...Foiled Again

Drama Queens
Josie said…
Fine KenP...truth be told I did see where you were going with this. I'm like a melodramatic weekly serial from your youth - the 30s might i add. boy are you old. you remind me of this old lady i used to work for....bitchy old woman - you're exactly like her. Expect a post this week about it! but not too soon - i need to be ultamelodramatic about bank of america. priorities!
KenP said…
Oh, BTW. My reference to banning was obtuse. Yours was quite specific to a point. You identified me as a culprit and the subsequent omission makes it worse and lacking context.

That, Madam, I find very offensive. As offensive as your frequent use of military-grade adjectives. One of the ways we jump to conclusions is language.

What's your son's opinion on your flexible standards?
KenP said…
The thirties, huh?

Thank god you don't have to work with numbers.
Josie said…
Oh Kenny, you are sooooo getting your own post. Well done sir!
Josie said…
I clicked on that link and it was a serial from THE THIRTIES! from 1933 actually. I remember only because my dad was born in 1935. he too was a big fan of reminiscing about those days. $10 would get you a news reel, cartoons, feature film and a serial. he was especially fond of lone ranger. *sigh*
crafty said…
OK! THAT'S IT! Neutral corners, both of you! NOW!

Ken, yes, '30s. Perils of Pauline: 1933, according to the link that YOU sent around.

And Josie, you...um...you're pretty.
KenP said…
My own post. Wow! To be allowed to bask in your magnificence. My cup runnith over. Verily, I shall dwell in the house of the VeryJosie, forever.

BTW, $10 for a show in your Dad's day might be a bit high. Your dad must have been a huge tipper. But, if you say it is so...

It was a quarter in my era (the 50's) but the first 200 kids got a free bag of popcorn with a piece of tacky candy on the top.
Josie said…
ugh, i meant a dime not 10 bucks.
KenP said…

So, if I made reference to Birth of a Nation, you leap to the conclusion I was around in 1915?
Josie said…
@ken, gary is living proof that chivalry isn't dead.
crafty said…
Ken - that and that you were an unconscionable racist. But I believe neither.

As an aside, Bertha Vanation is a great drag queen name.
KenP said…
Want to know if I still beat my dog?
Josie said…
Ken, do you really have a dog? I may not move in if you do.
KenP said…
Wow, my dog Clancy can't stop wagging her tail. Unusual but likely explainable.
Josie said…
@ken....I've heard it called Jake the Snake before, but never "My Dog Clancy" interesting.....and yes, I do tend to make them wag. ;)
Cranky said…
VJ - not offended at all. Now, I'm going to read about your Bank of America issue. Looking forward to it.
AiringMyLaundry said…
I love The Hangover. I imagine they had to change half the stuff in that movie on cable.
Josie said…
I love the hangover too. Hold onto your seat when you see hangover 2 though. omg - shemale alert! erm, full frontal at that.

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