I Guess It's Okay Tuesday :)

Listen, Little Monsters, It's Okay Tuesday.  That means I may be getting some visitors from Airing My Dirty Laundry, so I expect you all to be on your best behavior in the comments.  I'm looking at YOU Waffles!

Let's see, what is there to be okay about?

It's Okay.....

That when I checked the stats on my blog visitors the stats went through the roof.  A huge spike like that can only mean....POKER GRUMP!  Uh, oh!  He only posts bad shit (cannot swear on Tuesdays in case I get visitors!) stuff about me, so I got a feeling of dread in my belly.  Yep, sure enough he has a post about how incredibly badly I messed up my math geeks post.  And um, I get paid to do math for a living.  I dunno if this is actually okay, but there you are.  Grumpy, someday I want a post on your blog about something positive, like "My pal Very Josie has an awesome new haircut.  Go check it out."

Which reminds me...It's Okay....

That I cut my hair myself Sunday night.  Oh yes, I did.  In addition to my awesome math skills, I have haircutting skills.  I am, in fact, a beauty school drop out, but that was a looooooong time ago.  Even still, hair stylists don't cut their own hair.  And now I know why.  The left side is a wee bit shorter than the right.  And I put layers in it, which made it all puff up so I'm kinda sporting a 'fro.  Again, I don't know that this is actually okay.

It's Okay...

That report cards went out yesterday but I still haven't seen Evan's.  Why?  Because the city is doing something new and new = suck.  (suck is not a swear!)  Instead of sending home hard copies with the kids, they are posting them on this 3rd person website, which I used to have the password for.  I signed up for this thing where the website emails me if Sugar Bear gets a grade below 75, so I haven't had a need to visit the website myself.  Till now.  And I can't find the password.  Maybe this isn't okay either.

It's Okay...

That I beat Waffles again in football, by one point.  I actually messed up posting my picks here on the blog.  I really need to reread what I write here before I post.  Anyway, when I posted the picks here, I bolded two teams incorrectly, so even though I did shitty below par here (yes beating waffles is still, below par) I came in 2nd place in the larger league, tied for second for the week with the ytd leader.  I made up some points, but need a truckload more.  Waffles' son has beaten me again.  OMFG and he still would've beaten me even if I posted correctly.  Damn, that kid needs to join my league next year.

It's Okay...

That we have the world's ugliest Christmas tree.  Why?  Because it's not decorated yet and I'm hoping alot of sparkle will cover up the bare branches.  Oh and because Sugar Bear cut it down himself.  Ugh.  I mean ug-ly.  Of course pictures will be coming.  The worst part is the top of the tree.  The branches are sticking straight up instead of perpendicular, and they sort of form a menorah of branches.  <--- at least that's what Sugar Bear said.  You can see for yourself soon enough.

It's Okay...

That I want to send out a quick hello to a nice OLD man, who I hope is still reading.  Yes, I said "old" but I also said "nice" so I'm not talking to you Ken!  This guy may be old, but surely doesn't look it with his hot "i work out every day" body.  Ugh.  I try and then I stop.  This guy told me that physical fitness helps with mental fitness at the poker table though, so I'm going to start up again, even though I had chocolate for breakfast yesterday.  Totally not my fault!  Damn people keep sending chocolate to the office for the holidays and someone has to eat it.  I'm doing my civic duty!  Anyway, "Hi! Old Bald Fit Guy!"

Play smart.



SirFWALGMan said…
Sorry to break the rules of be nice Tuesday buttt...

I have to say Poker Grumps post was kind of a condescending, self love fest. He is a total asshole. He should go fuck himself. I mean it is one thing to correct some issues with your post.

It is a total other thing to use words like absurd, and nonsensical when referring to you.

He makes the smallest, moronic, nit picking comments when it is obvious that in some cases you just mispoke in the comments.

I have no problem correcting you when your wrong but being an asshole about it is really retarded.

TLDR; Poker Grump is a total nit picking fucktard asshole. Peace.
Josie said…
lol waffles, nice tuesday lasted for about one hour! not bad!

you make some very valid points. I think you're just jealous because Poker Grump is obviously crazy about me. that condescending attitude was just cover up.
Wolfshead said…
What's the problem? Words like absurd and nonsensical are totally appropriate when referring to VJ.
Josie said…
wolfie, you're gonna need two canes when I'm done with you!
AiringMyLaundry said…
Wow, I didn't realize they posted report cards online now. :/ That would be a tad annoying.
Josie said…
amber, it's very annoying. the other new thing this year is instead of quarters, they now have trimesters, so there are only 3 report cards per year. ugh.

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