Friday Humor

Little Sally came home from school with a smile on her face and told her mother, "Frankie Brown showed me his weenie today at the playground!"

Before the mother could raise a concern, Sally went on to say, "It reminded me of a peanut."

Relaxing with a hidden smile, Sally's Mom asked, "Really small, was it?"

Sally replied, "No... Salty."

Mom fainted.

Hee Hee!


dbcooper said…
Is Speechless..............
Josie said…
Speechless again! Sheesh if we ever meet you won't be able to talk! But that's okay.
fmarra17 said…
It is all fun & games until think about your own daughter coming home with a comment like that. Very Very scary!!
Josie said…
marra, I agree, but I thought it was funny.

I have a little boy who's 11 and the girls seem to be all over him like white on rice....he isn't mature that way but they all seem to be!
Josie said…
Hey Frankie, notice the boy in the joke is named Frankie????
fmarra17 said…
What a coincidence......

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