Nice little cash!
I actually won $111 cuz I made a deal with the first place guy.
I have the flu and I'm home sick. Whenever I cough it feels like my lungs are being ripped from my chest. Soooooo......
very sick = home from work = playing online poker
I settled down with some OJ a cup of coffee and a $6 (90) person game. Figured I'd hone my skills for tonight; game 2 of Survivor Donkey Island.
I knocked out 6 peeps and when it was down to me and Mr. First place he asked if I wanted to deal. He had about 30k more in chips than me, so I got $111 and he got $124ish. I didn't see alot of reasons not to take the deal.
And, I'm ready for tonight! Mama's taking down The Mookie and another member of Team Donkey.
Play smart.
Thanks PM!