Just a Reminder

The Very Josie is at 9pm ET tonight.  But don't forget that The Dank is also tonight at 10pm ET.  I haven't decided if I'll play The Dank tonight.  It depends on my mood.

Waffles, I want to hear all about this Hoy guy.



Josie said…
Wolfie, SOMEDAY you are going to leave me a nice comment. I don't know when and I don't know why, but it's going to happen.

Nice concise post, eh? Not TMI?
Memphis MOJO said…
Is it the Dank or the Buddy? I get so confused, lol.
Josie said…
It's the Very Josie! :P
Wolfshead said…
Dream on sweetheart
Wolfshead said…
BTW Mojo, it's the Mookie. If you would let some blood flow to the head on your shoulders instead of the lower one while sucking up to Josie maybe you could think straight. Or could it possibly be that you secretly have the hots for Waffles?
Josie said…
@wolfie......Thanks for the Mojo visual. LOLLLLLLLLLLL

Mojo doesn't suck up, he's just a lovely man.

Now you......you're a lovely man too but you cover it up with grumpiness

Speaking of lovely men..... Hi Coop! You're looking so YOUNG today!!!! Hope to see you tonight at the Very Josie

Oh and wolfie, I can pretty much guarantee that there will be TMI during the very josie. my posts are boring compared to my game talk. Don't say I didn't warn you.

Okay, I'm ready for that nice comment now!
Wolfshead said…
Well I can say you must have some damned good hallucinogenics to imagine some of the things you do about me, especially that nice comment bit. Care to share?
dbcooper said…
How did you know I was reading this? ( thats 8 words).
Jordan said…
If I can remember, I'll be playing tonight at the Very Josie. The start time is better than the Dank's and I can't deal with the huge Danky crouds.
Josie said…
@wolfie - I knew you weren't going to send me a nice comment YET. But someday you will. Trust Auntie Josie.

@Coop - LOL Woo Hoo 8 words! I feel like a winner already!!!

@H.O.P. - "Step in to my web, said the spider to the fly..." Really looking forward to playing with you and thanks for letting me borrow (TAKE) you're "online poker is methadone" analogy. Brilliant! Now DON'T forget to sign up!!! Just to be safe I'll email you REPEATEDLY. jk
Schaubs said…
The best person to ask about Hoy... is Hoy.
Josie said…
Schaubs, but I dunno Hoy! Does he have a blog?????? Is he cute?
Memphis MOJO said…
Mojo doesn't suck up, he's just a lovely man.

Um, let's go with nitty old man. Lovely? Not so much, lol, but thanks for the thought.
Schaubs said…
Does anyone REALLY know anyone in this blogger world? I have never met the dude either.
Josie said…
@mojo, I'm entitled to my opinion and re:you I oscillate between lovely and nitty...and thank you for letting me steal your nitty old man phrase. LOVE IT!
Wolfshead said…
Jesus H Roosevelt Christ, now it's a mutual lovefest. Get a motel.
Josie said…
Wolfie, I'm not that kinda girl! He'd have to buy me dinner FIRST. ;)
lightning36 said…
We'll have to do the last longer some other time. Skipping out on the VJ tonight.
Josie said…
okee dokee Light! I may see you at the Dank!
Jordan said…
I'll do a last longer prop bet in the Josie (I refuse to call it the VJ, because it sounds too much like a term for vagina, and I will not win any last longer bets involving vaginas). Any takers??
Josie said…
HoP, ROFL!!!!

I'll take some of that action, but only $5. I've heard about your play...you're aggro and good....which isn't a great combo for me...but what the hell.

You in for $5? Keep in mind that if I win I'll be bragging. Please tell me that won't offend you or hurt your goddam feelings. I swear some of these guys have VJ's lollll You, my friend, have just coined a new phrase!
Jordan said…
$5 it is! Trust me, Josie, that's good value. Keep in mind, you know all of the players and my aggro style means that I won't be trying to fold my way to victory in our prop bet.
Jordan said…
Oh, and feel free to talk shit. I enjoy it!
Josie said…
Ten minutes till blast off! As you know I like to pick the winning horse for the Very Josie and I'm 2 for 2.

1st tourney - Picked lightning and he won.

2nd tourney - Picked Mojo and he rose to the occasion.

3rd tourney - Tonight's pick is Coop. Notice I didn't push the side bet this week!

Mama's always right!
Wolfshead said…
so much for the three-peat
dbcooper said…
You picked an old nag this time.
Memphis MOJO said…
You picked an old nag this time.

Glue factory for old nags :)

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