I got a lot of much needed sleep last night and woke up with intentions of writing a very funny story but plans have changed my friends. I just read Tony's Latest Post and I'm too worried or upset to write about anything so frivolous. I think many of his readers just see him as an interesting story, and not a person. I see the person, who I was trying so very hard to steer away from a train wreck, but it didn't work. In fact, the part that scares me the most is maybe I, with my good intentions, pushed him further off the cliff. Maybe I put too much pressure on him to avoid the machines - too much pressure about something he is unable to control. I need to shut the fuck up and stop giving out unsolicited advice, which most likely will not happen. I cannot express how badly I feel about this. I was only trying to help because sometimes when you're in the eye of the hurricane you don't have the entire picture, at least not a...
Nice concise post, eh? Not TMI?
Mojo doesn't suck up, he's just a lovely man.
Now you......you're a lovely man too but you cover it up with grumpiness
Speaking of lovely men..... Hi Coop! You're looking so YOUNG today!!!! Hope to see you tonight at the Very Josie
Oh and wolfie, I can pretty much guarantee that there will be TMI during the very josie. my posts are boring compared to my game talk. Don't say I didn't warn you.
Okay, I'm ready for that nice comment now!
@Coop - LOL Woo Hoo 8 words! I feel like a winner already!!!
@H.O.P. - "Step in to my web, said the spider to the fly..." Really looking forward to playing with you and thanks for letting me borrow (TAKE) you're "online poker is methadone" analogy. Brilliant! Now DON'T forget to sign up!!! Just to be safe I'll email you REPEATEDLY. jk
Um, let's go with nitty old man. Lovely? Not so much, lol, but thanks for the thought.
I'll take some of that action, but only $5. I've heard about your play...you're aggro and good....which isn't a great combo for me...but what the hell.
You in for $5? Keep in mind that if I win I'll be bragging. Please tell me that won't offend you or hurt your goddam feelings. I swear some of these guys have VJ's lollll You, my friend, have just coined a new phrase!
1st tourney - Picked lightning and he won.
2nd tourney - Picked Mojo and he rose to the occasion.
3rd tourney - Tonight's pick is Coop. Notice I didn't push the side bet this week!
Mama's always right!
Glue factory for old nags :)