I got a lot of much needed sleep last night and woke up with intentions of writing a very funny story but plans have changed my friends. I just read Tony's Latest Post and I'm too worried or upset to write about anything so frivolous. I think many of his readers just see him as an interesting story, and not a person. I see the person, who I was trying so very hard to steer away from a train wreck, but it didn't work. In fact, the part that scares me the most is maybe I, with my good intentions, pushed him further off the cliff. Maybe I put too much pressure on him to avoid the machines - too much pressure about something he is unable to control. I need to shut the fuck up and stop giving out unsolicited advice, which most likely will not happen. I cannot express how badly I feel about this. I was only trying to help because sometimes when you're in the eye of the hurricane you don't have the entire picture, at least not a...
Oops ... : o )