Just Another Manic Monday

I hit Barnes & Noble Bookstore looking for a book on Stud8 (Seven Card Stud, high, low 8 or better) and I was quite disappointed.  I found zero books on the subject!  There were a couple of Omaha books but the majority were all about holdem.

Once I accepted the idea that there were no books on Stud8, I decided to splurge on a holdem book.  There were tons to choose from but I ended up with Holdem for Advanced Players by David Sklansky and Mason Malmuth. $30 plus tax and it wasn't even very big!

After I got the book home I had a bit of buyer's remorse.  Why didn't I get Super System 2, which was A.) the same price, B.) had a section on Stud8, C.) was triple in size! I am a voracious reader and like to get my money's worth.  Then the cherry on top was logging onto my blog and seeing a message from Neo Baby that said I had to read the contribution by Todd Brunson in SS2.  That was all I needed to hear.

I exchanged the books with no problems at all. 

My plan is to read the Stud8 chapter first, and then start the book from the beginning.  Yay me!

It's hard to go in there and only buy one book.  Especially with all those "summer reads" piled on tables throughout the store. But I couldn't rationalize buying one of those.  I went to the beach with Cricket on Friday and she gave me a book she just finished called Good In Bed, so I do have something to read.  But damn I could happily spend the day there.  They even have a Starbucks!

Not alot of online poker for me this weekend.  Sugar Bear had two friends sleep over.  Here's an example of how I'm a pushover.  Friday he asks if Shane and Justin can sleep over and I say no.  So then he asks if they can come over.  I say sure and they show up about 6pm.  They get pizza for dinner (I didn't have any - boo!!!) and homemade sugar cookies warm from the oven for dessert.  Of course he wears me down and they sleep over, BUT with the condition that the boys leave in the morning.  Yet somehow they stay till 6pm Saturday night.  I swear there is one of me born every minute.

Work was a bitch (sorry evp) last week and so was I.  It culminated on Thursday with a board meeting at noon, and then project meetings to follow till the end of the day.  And my boss is on vacation this week so he wanted to go over stuff before he left.  Made for a very long Thursday but the good news is....he's gone!

For a whole week!  I still have a full schedule for the week but I'll be on my own.  Not that the boss is all that bad, but it'll be a nice break. 

And my boy is coming to work with Mama on Wednesday.  Only because he's been dying to.  I let him come with me one day last summer too and he loved it.  Truly I don't know why.  I'd think he'd be bored to tears but he got to check out all the models of the buildings we've designed and there's a big artist supply room which is kinda cool I suppose.  Then there's the snacks.  We have jars of pretzels, trail mix and candy.  And best of all, I'm there.  Me, candy and colored pencils....what more could you ask for!

And we'll be doing lunch with the receptionist - that should be interesting to say the least.

Play smart.



BWoP said…
Ray Zee - High Low Split Poker for Advanced Players.

It's half O-8 and half stud-8, but is considered THE BIBLE for split pot games :-)
Wolfshead said…
Well, you know what they say. Work's (Life's) a bitch. Then you marry one.
Josie said…
OMG! Black Widow of Poker!!! Chick's rule baby! Especially at the felt. Thanks for the info on the book - I thought it was crazy that there were no stud8 books. Yay - thanks for commenting!

Wolfie - um, thank you for that little tidbit. :P

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