The First Number is a 6

I'm feeling kinda distracted. Very rare for me.  I don't know if the best word to describe it is distracted or preoccupied, but something's going on because I just don't feel focused.  My mind's a wandering.

Played a bit of online poker this weekend.  :)  It was up and down like a merry go round, but certainly more up than down.  I won back all that mispent money that I invested in the 750K the previous weekend and then some.

As of 11:30 last night, my balance in Full Tilt started with an 8.  Yep, and 8.  As of right now, it starts with a 6.  :(

In an effort to keep myself accountable and not piss away my new found winnings, I will continue to post the first number here daily.  Maybe if I have to tell you about it I won't be so quick to lose it.  My goal is to change that 6 into a 7, then an get the idea.  Until it becomes a 12.


Play smart.



Schaubs said…
wouldn't it just become a 1 again?
Josie said…
Well Meanie(Schaubalicious), we shall see. That was the OLD way. The new way is to NOT do that.

Tomorrow's number will be a 7....if I play tonight....thinking I deserve a night off.
lightning36 said…
I was expecting a nine to follow ...
Josie said…
Lightning, When that happens you'll be the first to know...NOT.

Be warned Lightbulb...I am on a new diet starting TODAY. That means I turning into a raving bitch. For a point of refence, I haven't been on a diet for a couple of months - so you've been getting nice Josie - watch out!
lightning36 said…
... turning into a NASTIER raving ...



Josie said…
Light, I don't know what any of those acronyms mean!

fyp = fiscal year projections?
Josie said…
LOL Jew Boy just called and said "Please tell me your kidding about the diet!"

Alas, I am not.

As I told Jew Boy, I'm still in a pretty good mood...I don't go psycho until day 3 or 4....we'll see if I can even last that long.
KenP said…
I'm feeling kinda distracted.

Hey, we already knew you were a girl.


A real lady doesn't kick a fellow in that general area.

I am excited by the number 6 but really want to know what the 5 numbers behind it are.
Josie said…
Ken, Kicking you there might be the nicest thing I'd do, especially considering I'm on a diet.

I don't remember the entire number - I'll post it when I get home. I'm guessing it's about $650ish. When the first number was an 8, the entire number was like 815ish.
Josie said…
Kenny! LOLLLLLLLL Your joke went over my head. The number is a 3 digit number!(not counting cents)

It isn't a 5 digit number YET.
Josie said…
Yes Wolfie, you do not know BAD JOSIE yet. Just wait till say...Thursday.

I am enjoying my afternoon snack which is a lifesaver. :(
Schaubs said…
FYP ='s fixed your post.

I wasn't trying to be mean.

I meant that if and when your BR went to $1200.

Then the first number would, in fact, be 1.

get it?
Josie said…
Schaubs - I see what you're saying about the 1....yet see how I didn't open a can of whup ass on you? Diet is not affecting me at all YET.

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