I'm so hip, your grandpa broke me

You wanna know how cool and hip I am?  Well, guess who left me....ME....a comment?

A cool, female, professional poker player!  Oh. My. God.   Need another hint? How bout this! 

I can only aspire to her coolness! Funny just the other day I was reading that she placed 4th I think in a Venetian Deep Stack Event....The very event I was hoping to play in.  I'll get to Vegas yet!

For now I'll enjoy the fact that she was nice enough to comment here.

Play smart.



Rakewell said…
I think CK will be very surprised to learn that she is a professional poker player. The law firm she works for might be a tad surprised, too.

BWoP said…
Well, I am definitely female and a poker player.

As for cool and a professional, that's debatable . . . :-)

Let me know if you ever make it to Vegas.
Josie said…
LOLLLLLLLL Well I figure if you live in Vegas.....

And the plan is Vegas is December...fingers crossed.
Josie said…
BTW Rakewell, YOU are a professional poker player!!! So Woot me!!! lol
Wolfshead said…
Wait till she jams you with the Hammer and gets you to fold those pocket aces. Then see how cool you think she is. You'll call her a lot of different names then.
Josie said…

I had BWoP at my table during a bbt5 freeroll - not fun or easy but I survived it...I know who to respect.

btw - LOVE chatting with your cub! My kinda girl. You're in trouble.
BamBam said…
The poker's OK I guess, so's the whole 'comment' thingy too.

But what CK is really REALLY good at, is being so very bendy!

Yum ~ YUM!

Josie said…
Bam Bam, I think this is a frantic friday post in the making! Bendy women! lol
Josie said…
btw - ever gonna have a frantic friday featuring MEN? It's only fair...
Memphis MOJO said…
Anyone can come in 4th in a big tournament. But CK's also cool, friendly and down to earth -- not everyone can say that!
Josie said…
Good point Mojo!
BamBam said…
Men on a Frantic Friday!

BWoP said…
Is it December yet?

Seriously folks.

They say WSOP is Poker Christmas, so that means it has to be December . . .
Wolfshead said…
She also plays a mean game of bar shuffleboard and really knows how to suckout on the river there.

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