Is It Me?

May as well dress like a dude!

I played alot of online poker since this week. Alot.  And you know me, I chat a little and like to have fun while I play.  Guy after guy kept telling me they knew that I was really a man. 

"You aren't fooling me, you have to be a guy". 

"I know you aren't a girl.  You can't be."

"You're a dude aren't you?"

Different guys, different games, all convinced that I'm  I want to know why!!!!  My Full Tilt name is female and so is my cute avatar with the devil horns. 

Remember when I FREAKED OUT on Jordan for making incorrect accusations about me? He said that I was a dude pretending to be a chick to get readers.  I must've had a touch of PMS that day.  lol.  I didn't realize at the time that I'd hear that over and over.

Is it because I swear too much?  I didn't swear at all on Sunday but got about 5 of those random "your a man" comments.  What am I doing that's so unfeminine?  I am NOT mannish in person.  Yet these guys talk like I'm exuding testosterone or something.  And if I were a dikey kind of gal, perhaps I wouldn't mind so much. 

But I'm NOT.

It must be the way I chat, although I don't know what I'm saying that'd make everyone think I'm a man.  I'm not making fart jokes or anything.  In fact I don't think my chat is mannish at all....unless they think I'm a gay man.  lol    

Do you guys think it's the chat?  Do I seem like I'm packing a python when you're playing against me?  I really want to know!

Unless....Do you think it's the way I play?  Not so nicey nicey and a bit aggresive, I know.  But wouldn't that make me a bitch instead a fellow?

During the very last game I played on Sunday night a guy started chatting with me, and I made an effort to be girlish. Well it was MY idea of what girlish is.  Stupid fucking idea (and it damn near killed me).  I swear to God he said (and this is a quote)  "I like you Josie, but you're a guy, right?"  I damn near put my tits up against the computer screen.

Um, that's probably not a girlish response.  But still.

Play smart.



OES said…
I have 15 accounts on Full Tilt and just want you to think ;)
Grange95 said…
Yeah, it's you. :-p
SirFWALGMan said…
I think it's just the whole "Chicks don't play video games".. "Chicks don't play poker".. type thing. Nobody thinks any chicks exist in these areas. All chicks are at home knitting or making me a sammich in the kitchen.
Josie said…
CrAAKKer!! lol I think it IS me.

@Waffles, maybe that's it. Whatevah! Hope you're feeling better!
Lucki Duck said…
Mostly the way you play. Frequent reraises in late position and C-bets almost 100% of the time, this isn't the MO of a female, but it is of VJ!

Most women I play with live are tight/passive calling stations. The one or two that aren't are alot tougher to deal with.

Don't know why it would bother you to be accused of being a dude online... LIVE however might be an issue :o)
Josie said…
LOL Ducky, you've been watching closely!!!! I suppose you're right. If they make that comment in person, then I have a problem. :P
lightning36 said…
You are a gay dude, imo. Waiting for you and Waffles to hook up.
Josie said…
Lightning, you only think i'm a dude because the LIGHTNING ROD is broken, IMO. :)
crafty said…
For the sake of the new people here: She's a chick, I've known her personally for almost 11 years, sat next to her every Wednesday night during that time. I've seen the top half of her breasts more times than my gastroenterologist suggests is healthy. And I know a dude who had the whole picture and he reports full femininity.

Plus, there's this: she smells pretty.
Josie said…
Jew Boy - Wow, thanks for the female report!!! Soooo youve been looking at the top of my boobies, huh? I say that means you can't call me flat chested anymore.
Wolfshead said…
It's definitely you
Josie said…
Wolfie baby!!! How's AC going. I cannot BELIEVE you went without me. Hmpf
Wolfshead said…
AC sucks so far. It's a bitch when someone you know hits a massivre bad beat on a night you should have been there playing. If my plan works out the trip will be worth it tho. Actually it is a family trip so how could i invite you. Dad might scare you off or vice versa. Decided not to play tonight, going to get drunk down by the pool and get an early start at the tables tomorrow.
The Neophyte said…
It's probably the aggressiveness thing Josie. Many guys can't deal well with an aggressive woman, they would prefer an aggressive player to be a guy, they can deal with that better. Also if you're out playing them, some guys have a real hard time losing to a woman. My tells me about that all the time.
Josie said…
Neo, yep that's true in person, but that usually works to my advantage. i find looser calls against me which i can capitalize on. :)
Hurricane Mikey said…
If she's a dude, then she's got much better man-boobs than I do...

/from what I've seen
//just sayin'
Josie said…
ROFL - Hear that guys? Better rack than MIKEY. lol Thanks brother!
Wolfshead said…

TMFI. Not a visual I needed at this hour. Some things are better left unsaid.
crafty said…
I can tell a period from a comma at ten feet - I can find YOUR tiny teats, schweetie.

j/k - I'm the LAST person to ridicule anyone for having a small anything...*sigh*
Josie said…
Gary, We're fighting AGAIN. jk
Josie said…
Poor Mikey...he called me at the office yesterday so he had to deal with the receptionist....didn't know he was calling but she buzzes in and says "You don't know a Michael, do you?" lollllll

he got thru tho.

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