How Do You Get A Woman To Stop Talking?

Take away her chat privledges!  Fuck you Full Tilt Poker.

Plus I'm a repeat offender.  With my luck I may be going to jail. :(

This means it's time to clean up my potty mouth fingers.  No swearing for me today in the Battle Royale thingy.  I cannot repeat again.  Who knows what they'll do next time.  I'm going to have to practice typing the words "fudge" and "duckhead".

If you're at my table, please don't tempt me.

Play smart.



SirFWALGMan said…
Im surprised I have not been perma-banned.
Wolfshead said…
Oh, this could be fun.
Josie said…
Waffles, I'm surprised too!

Wolfie, be nice. I can always swear at you here.
Wolfshead said…
Nice? What's is this nice of which you speak?
lightning36 said…
Perhaps you should follow my example of proper decorum at the virtual tables ...
Josie said…
Wolfie nice = giving josie your chips AND remarking on her beauty. That's all.

Lightning, I tried but I just cannot act like an old man who calls himself Lightning.
Lucki Duck said…
I'm going to have to practice typing the words "fudge" and "duckhead".

"Fudge" is okay, "duckhead" is unacceptable!
Josie said…
Sorry Ducky! lol
The Neophyte said…
No swearing at the Battle Royale? Someone gonna tie your hands behind your back? If did that to my sister she'd be mute.
Memphis MOJO said…
Chat privileges taken away?? I'm shocked.
lightning36 said…
What was that that makes you shut up again? he he
Josie said…
@Mojo, I know!!! Can you believe they don't know how sweet I am.

I'm out Neo Baby, and I didn't swear at that Fuckhead Morning Thunder even once. Grrrr That isn't my MO anyway. I'll swear during chat, but not cuz of a bad beat.
The Neophyte said…
Sorry Josie, do you want me to find someone to break this guy's knees or something? Wait a sec, you're the Sicilian, you probably already have that covered.
Josie said…
Neo Baby, All I gotta do is call my Uncle Rocky. ;)
Wolfshead said…
Don't feel bad Josie. I got knocked out by a guy calling off his chips when the only hand he could beat at the time was a bluff. Just another sign of a guy not willing to part with a frikkin ace
Josie said…
Ahh Wolfie, sorry to hear it. FUCK.

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