The Most Wonderful Time of the Year!
Football Season!
It's that time of year!!! As much as I hate to see summer time drift away, I'm more than ready for some football. Anyone speak Spanish? If so repeat after me, OCHO CINCO!!!!
This Thursday the regular season starts and so does my private football pool! We usually get about 30 players and the key is to A.) pick the winners of each match up (the easy part) and B.) assign each winner a value, with the most likely getting a 16 and least likely winner getting a 1. Whoever amasses the most points for the week wins...and then there's an end of year prize for she who has the most points for the year.
Did I say she? :)
Yes I did. Last year I had my hat trick when I won THREE YEARS IN A ROW. Here's hoping for #4!
I just logged onto CBS Sportsline where all the info is kept and it seems the commissioner has changed the name of the league to............."DON'T LET JOSIE WIN!!!"
Poor guy. It can't be easy losing to me year after year and getting those less than gracious emails from me year after year. Yes, I'm a trash talker - that's half the fun of winning! I was just scrolling through the commissioner's email and it seems that at the beginning of every September I have an email from him saying he'll be winning Week 1, taking my money, blah blah blah....
So here's my key to kicking ass every year...
Psst....come closer....I cannot say this too loudly.....
If I want to win..............
I need only do ONE THING!
Which not take football advice from Waffles. It almost killed me last year, which made for an exciting photo finish, but I still won. *whew*
Mmmm is anything better than Sundays during football season? I don't think so! Hey, that reminds there a sportsbook in Atlantic City?????
Play smart like Tom Brady!
Don't take any advice from Waffles. Evah.
Grumpy, yes I was serious - I hadn't even thought of it until I wrote that. Bummer...
Ocho Cinco is our new Patriot!