An Appeal to Wolfie

Wolfie's nephew Patrick (young hot thang) works at a store that sells my absolute favorite candy, Salt Caramels.  Now they are only sold during the holiday season, so you have to get them when you can, and I just found out that they're in stock now! 

Last year, Wolfie brought me some at the WPBT event in Vegas.  Nice guy, huh?  Well he better bring some to AC or he'll have a new reason to limp!  Erm....I mean....Wolfie Sweetie, could you have the nephew pick some up for me?    :) 

Believe me, I'm thinking more of Wolfie than myself.

"Huh?" you say....

Yes, I'm thinking of Wolfie.  Trust me, you would not want to be him if he shows up empty handed.  I'm just sayin'.

Salt Caramels rock!

They taste even better than they look.  There's something about the salty/sweet/chocolatey combo that is just scrumpdilicious.

Wolfie!  This is your mission, should you choose to accept it.



AiringMyLaundry said…
Oo I'd like those salt caramels.
SirFWALGMan said…
Josie said…
Oooo Waffles video is about chocolatey, salty balls!

Have I mentioned my favorite part of the male anatomy lately? Let's just say waffles may have found something better than salt caramels.
Josie said…
@Amber, you'd def love them.
KenP said…
We've established her profession; now it is just arguing price.
Josie said…
Ken, price is everything you have including your soul. worth every penny might I add.
Wolfshead said…
First off considering that remark about my nephew VJ either better see an optomitrist or a psychiatrist because my nephew looks like a beer keg on legs with skin the color of the Pillsbury Doughboy. Besides he told me today that you can forget it, he ain't getting you any without a pickle tickle
Josie said…
I remember him as cute and um, young.

A pickle tickle? Pity I'm too old for him. Tell him to get me those caramels OR ELSE. (scary, huh?)
Wolfshead said…
You're lucky you're too old for him. Young is about the only thing you got right. Physically around 27, mentally about 5
Josie said…
Oh he's THAT old? :P
Wolfshead said…
Yes he's that old and as for being a hottie he's rounder than i am these days and I might limp, he waddles
Josie said…
LOL I don't remember that, but then again I haven't seen him in a year.
Cranky said…
VJ - Have you tried the salt caramel goodies at Starbucks? They are available at times other than the holidays. And there's a Starbucks on every corner so no begging or threatening required.
Josie said…
@Cranky, no I haven't, but I will definitely check it out, thanks.

Um, but.....1.) I like threatening and 2.) FREE salt caramels taste even better! ;)

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