What I did on my spring vacation....

Now that Full Tilt is kaput I have to focus my energies somewhere and right now it's a tie between two things...exercising and sleeping.  I had been surviving on maybe 5-6 hrs of sleep per night and sometimes less if engrossed in a MTT, but now I sleept at least 9 hrs every night!  Sometimes more!  I wonder if the  increased exercise is a factor.  Took another power hike and went even further than last night.  My knees seem to be able to take it, so I think it's key to continue.  I had one person/car beeping and frantically waving.  I think it was my son's friend's mother, but really, who knows? 

I find that between the sleeping and the exercising I really don't miss Full Tilt as much as I thought I would.  Although I did receive the following email that got me thinking.....

So are you going to give up on online poker altogether, or pick one of the

rooms that's left? There's UB and AP, of course, but I still wouldn't use
them. Good choices left are Bodog, Doyles Room, Carbon Poker, and Cake.
Whatcha gonna do? You can't keep your heads-up title if you can't defend it.

First of all, to The Whore who wrote this, yes I can keep my heads up title!  I will kick ur ass heads up with play money Biatch!  Ahhhhh I had to get that out and I feel better now.  The biatch does make a good point though.  I suppose I could start up a Bodog account.  I'd been thinking about doing just that before Black Friday, but I just don't thinking depositing money into any online poker account during these times is a smart decision.  But like I said, he got me thinking.  If any of you have any thoughts on this I'd be interested to hear them. 

Don't forget that Sunday night is HeffMike's BBT in Exile home game on Poker Stars.  Very Josie is definitely playing and I'm throwing in a bounty.  Winner of the game gets a highly coveted Very Josie T-shirt.  This may be your last chance to get one, for a while anyway.  More than that, it'll be a helluvalot of fun so please join us.

To be continued.....I told Lightning I'd call him at 9pm so I have to pop off and do that.....

Well, I called Lightning but he blew me off!  Can you imagine?  Actually he said something about eating dinner and to call him later but I was getting sleepy, so I went off to bed.  I'll try him tonight.

Play smart.



lightning36 said…
"I called Lightning but he blew me off!"

Well, I did feel a tad bad. However, after a 10 1/2 hour work day, a trip to the grocery store, and helping to fix dinner, I did actually want to eat that dinner!

re: other sites. I have played mega hours at UB/Absolute and Bodog, not as much at Cake. Frankly, I do not enjoy playing on any of them very much. If I feel the need for a fix I jump on UB. I would not deposit any money on any of these sites unless my expectation was that I would never see it again.
Josie said…
No worries Light. We'll catch up tonight. That sounds like a looooong day.

I agree that depositing money into a site at this point is very risky.
SirFWALGMan said…
You call Lightning?
Josie said…
Waffles, not very often but he called earlier in the week (back when he was worried about my lack of posts) and I didn't return his call.
lightning36 said…
Josie, no use in trying to hide it much longer ...
Mike Heffner said…
Hey, all you cats have to join this silly home game club to play Sunday... :-)
Wolfshead said…
Did you ever think to make a minimum deposit and if you win cash out back down to some minimum amount? If you need more min deposit again. It's a pain in the balls but it will keep any potential loss due to DoJ action to a minimum

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