Tri-Fecta of Cashing

I will be doing a huge write up on my Foxwoods MegaStack Super Bounty tournament that I played in on Friday, and this ain't it.  I have a lot of interesting stories to stay tuned.  In the mean time, I'll give you the bottom line.
I met up with Hoy and had a great time and ended up with a nice cash....sort of.  It was a super bounty tournament so the bounties were supersized in comparision to the prize pool.  A paltry $130 went into the prize pool and $100 was each bounty.  Mama does love a bounty tournament.  :)

353 peeps with 35 itm.  I played for 10 hours and made it to 30th place which got me about $250, a hair over my buy in.  The thing is I also knocked out 7 fishponents for a nice $700.  After I was out I decided to hit the 2-5NL cash game for one hour with my newly found money.  In less than an hour I had won a buy in there.  Kinda ironic that I won more money at cash in an hour than I did playing that tournament for 10 hours excluding the bounties.  BUT This game wasn't just about cashing.....I need to  play a lot of live tournaments and get a lot of practice in before the wsop this summer so in that respect it was not a waste of time.  And if I add up the tourney cash, the bounties and the cash game, it's the fricking trifecta of AWESOME.  :) 

So anywho, it's no coincidence that I cashed again while playing with Hoy.  He knows my game, knows my strength and weaknesses and gives me great fucking advice.  Funny thing is, it's not shiat I don't already know but for some reason I listen to  him when he says it.   Maybe because I respect his game and his smarts.

To the tune of Son of a Preacher Man.....

The only one who could ever reach me,
Was the son of a Jewish man,
The only Boy who could ever teach me,
Was the son of a Jewish man,
Yes he was, he was, oh yes he was.

Playing smart isn't always easy,
No matter how hard I tried,
When he started sweet talking to me,
he'd come tell me everything is alright,
he'd  assure me everything is alright,
Can I get another cash tonight?

The only one who could ever reach me,
Was the son of a Jewish man,
The only Boy who could ever teach me,
Was the son of a Jewish man,
Yes he was, he was, oh yes he was.

After Hoy was out, he played some table games and waited for my dinner break so we could talk.  Prior to that I was short and already had double my buyin in bounties so I told him to wait in case I donked out soon so we could play cash together and he refused to consider it.  He said that I will not lose the tourney so you can play cash.  He said he wouldn't allow me to consider it cuz I was still in the game and could still go deep.  So instead he waited for the dinner break.  Know why?  Cuz he's my friend.  :)

Play smart or at least take Hoy with you.


PS  - quick story - I have a lot to tell you....but this must be told immediately and cannot wait for the big post that is to come.  So just after I get knocked out I'm fuming and I'm putting that mildly.  I gather my stuff up and go to the bar/race betting area directly behind the poker room becauase they have a lot of chairs and tables there.  I'm on the phone furiously lamenting my exit and i'm talking loudly....and I'm so angry I cannot think straight.  Angry at myself btw.  Anyway as I'm talking and moaning, probably too loudly I notice a guy eatin soup maybe 12 feet in front of me.  It was fucking James Woods!  Again!  I'd met him last time I was there and talked to him, touched him, took a pic with him etc.  I was freaking dying to see him again.  But I was sooooo angry I couldn't make myself smile and start chatting.  Too worked up to even walk over and believe me I still can't believe I didn't walk over.  He ate his soup and left.  I later saw him playing the 6pm tourney.  I had no idea he played tournaments too! 

Afterwards I was kicking myself for not talking to him.  I had a bunch of very josie business cards and I should've given him one on the very slight off chance he'd look it up and read this blog.  DAMMIT ALL!

He and I will meet again though.  It's karma.  Anyone wanna bet on whether or not I can get him to comment here?  I suggest you don't though.  Know why? Cuz he's a man.  I can get men to do what I want.  ;)


Rob said…
Congrats again, great post, can't wait for more gory details.

Oy Vey! Of course he's the son of a Jewish man. What would you expect him to be? Chopped Liver? Don't be meshugenuh! (yeah, I'm Jewish, why do you ask?)

I want a recording of you singing that song you wrote.

In fact, I want a recording of you singing it to James Woods. Now that would be extra special (I don't think he's Jewish, but since he's in show business, he may as well be).

Another song for you to adapt, based on your comments about Woods, "Whatever Josie wants, Josie Gets."
grrouchie said…
Congrats on your Tri-Fecta of Awesome Josie!

You keep playing those tourneys and running deep as practice for when you're out here in Sin City playing in the big tourneys.

Looking forward to your big write up and Poo on James Woods.
He should have recognized you and come over to talk to you :)
Josie said…
LOL Rob, I like the Whatever Josie Wants idea a lot. Thanks!

grrouchie ty! funny, I def made a lasting impression when I met him last so im surprised he didn't remember me. he has no idea what he's in for!
Memphis MOJO said…
Nice run, you're making a habit of it.
Shelly said…
"Fishponents" LMFAO!!!
sevencard2003 said…
well done, just woke up and found news grump is also gonna let me play a tourney for my birthday. very nice of him. i never do well in bounty tourneys though, i never knock anyone out. yeah i think i could do way better if i was in foxwoods far better choices of games.
Anonymous said…
we can haz more info?


wuff u josie

Zin said…
@josie congrats on your tri-fecta so easy even a cave woman can do it, don't get mad just joking Chiquita. Keep up the good play Chiquita.

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