Poker Grump made me his bitch.

-Very Josie


Rakewell said…
This amuses me SO much!
Josie said…
@grrouchie - you have no idea how much i fucking HATE it.

@grump - I AMUSE you? I make you laugh, I'm here to fuckin' amuse you? What do you mean funny, funny how? How am I funny? ;)
Rakewell said…
Funny like a clown, of course.
grrouchie said…
Well, good news is you were right on one account Josie - it would not take KK to knock you out.

63 on the other hand.....


Fun little tourney.
Looking forward to the next one.
bastinptc said…
Josie, you're a Betty?
Rob said…

I guess you know I took 2nd, right?

And I guess I got revenge for you. It was I, yes, I, who knocked out the Grump before he could cash!

I expect a reward from you!

Thanks for seducing me into playing in tournament. It was fun, and did I mention I took 2nd place?

Just sayin'
Josie said…
Bayne, you mutha fucka! thanks for playing. lol

Grrouchie - i had pocket aces! *sigh*

Bastin - I'm a Josie - even better.

Rob, my hero! You slayed the terrible poker grump who tied me up! ty ty ty

Now who was saying I had small boobs???? I saw all that chatting!
lightning36 said…
Aint it the truth ...
Rob said…
OOPS, I posted my last comment under the wrong post. I had two windows opened and used the wrong one. Oh well, your readers will have to go to your previous post to see my brilliance.

Anyway, wanted to let you know that I did a small write up on the tournament on my blog and I defended your boobs. Because I'm a gentleman and that's what gentlemen do.
VegasDWP said…
Sorry I missed the big event ... I fell asleep. I suck.
Unknown said…
The Spanish Inquisition?

Josie said…
DWP you do not suck nearly as much as I do.

Drizz - Spanish Inquisition cracked my pocket aces - can you believe that shiat?
Anonymous said…

If it makes you feel any better i lost AA < Q6 to go out. Lesson learned, fold AA in VJ tournament. LOL !!!

It was FUN.
Thank YOU

- Pokerished
Anonymous said…

Anonymous said…
Josie said…
Hi Pokerished....interesting name btw...

No that doesn't make me feel better. You know what would make me feel better though? Giving Grump a few smacks!
SirFWALGMan said…
I see no situation where you possibly fold AA with the Ac for the nut flush redraw in that situation.. however I will keep my advice to myself as it is much more fun seeing you yell at people.
Anonymous said…
I'm bummed that this private tourneys are only for BCP and that I couldn't play with a Lock account.

I might have to take put some money in BCP and take a night off grinding (merge won't allow you to run both BCP and Lock at the same time) to join the festivities next time.

If the schedule permits next month, I'm in!! Maybe I can get someone to do a player transfer with me?

- Vook

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