Cannot frigging wait for Sunday, when the PATRIOTS WIN THE SUPERBOWL. And no it's not going to be close. I predict Tom Terrific passes for close to 400 yards. Take that to the bank.
@VeryChiquita patience & discipline come natural to me, waiting is no problem. Lol, why in hell would i be jealous of TBC, i wish him nothing but the best of luck.
I find it funny that even if I don't go to TBC's mad ramblings for a few days I can still get updates elsewhere :)
Also - for selfish reasons I want the Pats to win. However, the superbowl has no appeal. I'll be at the Mirage - hoping for a really high scoring game and playing poker with Lightning.
I don't have a strong rooting interest either way but I do hope it is a close game. Last second touchdowns (or stops at the goal line) are fun! Last time these two played it was a classic, here's hoping they can top that!
49ers had a very good year though. OMG I hope you bet hundreds against Zin!!!!! Yay ManinBlack!!! You're going to kick his ASS!!!!!
Gooo Patriots!
LOL@Zin....after you lose to man in black you can lose to me at poker. ;)
ManInBlack said…
I had the 49ers @ 40-1 odds. Damn way too close. But with Zin my bet is just a friendly $25 wager. If he wants more he has to come to vegas this week and play me poker for
ManInBlack, you're in Vegas this weekend? Where are you gonna watch the SuperBowl? Are you gonna play at the MGM?
Word of advice: Stay the bleep away from Pocket Kings!
ManInBlack said…
Rob- Yeah I arrive and have 4 nights booked at Imperial Palace. I arrive at noon on Sunday. Sunday afternoon is booked for my kids bday party. But if you wanna get together after that or at any point Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday send me a text. 702-488-7052
ManInBlack said…
And Rob, I told you play the "Grump" you know the old 2-4
@Chiquita, you are one mean lady wanting ManInBlack to kick my ass, how dare you put than man in great danger. I do not know if you can play the trump but 99% sure you can blow the trumpet, lol. G-Men
ManInBlack, oh sorry, I would love to meet you but I'm not in Vegas right now. Good luck! Are you gonna be at your kid's b'day party during the super bowl? I hope its a super bowl party!
I only got into football in a big way about 8 years ago, but yes I've always been a Patriots fan. I'm from Boston, how could I not be? :)
ManInBlack said…
Zin- The party ends at 5pm. So I have no idea if i will even see the super bowl.
Josie- Well if you a Patriots fan then I have something for you. The Riviera had a hat booth when i was living a block from there about 6 months ago. The guy was going out of business. i helped him carry some stuff to his truck and he gave me a couple "Beanie's" one is of the Patriots. I have never worn it. All I did was take the tags off and wash it. It is still in Neverworn/great condition. I have no use for it, but if you want it. Email me an addy and I will mail it to you
Tomorrow is going to be a good day. On tap is a poker tournament at 1pm (yay) and then...... The New England Patriots VS The Denver Broncos Tom Terrific VS Mediocrity (but religious!) lol I LOL at anyone who thinks this could even be a close game. No. It wouldn't have been close at Mile High Stadium and it surely won't be close at Gillette. That being said, I will be enjoying it very much. I figure I should be home from the tourney by 6pm, which will give me enough time to get my sweats on and settle in for the show. For my post fantasy football league I need The Pats to win and GB too for that matter. I don't think this will be a problem. :) It's going to be a fun Saturday. Let's get back to poker for a moment. The last time I played at this private club I did quite badly. I'll be up against a field where over 50% of the players do not play basic poker well, as well as Pokah Dave (awesome dude) his sister and...
Does anyone know about re-entry tournaments? I'm thinking of playing one in the wsop circuit that's going around and I don't really understand the difference. There is an Event 2A, then an Event 2B on the following day, and then day 3 after that. So I'm guessing if I bust out of Event 2A, I can play 2B the next day. Unlike a rebuy, where you can just buy back in immediately. Do the people that DIDN'T bust out of 2A also play 2B or do they just wait for day 3? Also, what are the best strategies for playing this type of tournament? I'm thinking this type of tournament would be good for my aggressive style as I'd have a safety next to get back in if I went too crazy....but is uberaggressive the best mode for this tournament? I know NOTHING and I need to know EVERYTHING. Any information you can provide would be greatly appreciated. Spank you very much. And since I'm asking questions - an interesting situation came up during my league finale g...
Giants 27 Patriots 17 give or take a point.
BIG BOOTY DADDY knows where it's at!
Chiquita did you ever get the codes?
Don't be jealous of TBC. He was down 1,900-2Kish. He might be winning some back right now though.
Lol, why in hell would i be jealous of TBC, i wish him nothing but the best of luck.
Also - for selfish reasons I want the Pats to win.
However, the superbowl has no appeal.
I'll be at the Mirage - hoping for a really high scoring game and playing poker with Lightning.
just read the tbc updates
ur very sweet helping him but dont let him get too close imo hes got a felony, is near life busto...time bomb ticking..
peace out!
PS gl this wkend feltside lets make some maniez
Gooo Patriots!
LOL@Zin....after you lose to man in black you can lose to me at poker. ;)
Word of advice: Stay the bleep away from Pocket Kings!
I do not know if you can play the trump but 99% sure you can blow the trumpet, lol. G-Men
Josie- Are you a Pats fan normally?
Josie- Well if you a Patriots fan then I have something for you. The Riviera had a hat booth when i was living a block from there about 6 months ago. The guy was going out of business. i helped him carry some stuff to his truck and he gave me a couple "Beanie's" one is of the Patriots. I have never worn it. All I did was take the tags off and wash it. It is still in Neverworn/great condition. I have no use for it, but if you want it. Email me an addy and I will mail it to you
It's sexy.
No Zin, you cannot because you offended me, as I mentioned previously.