I'm back!

Take a look at that stack! 
The oranges are 1,000 chips, the purples, $5,000 and on top of those orange chips are my green $25,000 chips. 

I just got home from my Foxwoods tournament and I have soooo much to tell you!  There was alot of controversy and yelling and screaming (not by me!) at the end, so we have alot of ground to cover my friends.  For now I'll give you the highlights.

I went down with my crazy sister Cricket, who deserves a separate post of her own.  Lynne never came down, but guess who did?  Hoyazo!  It was the first time I'd ever met him and I didn't know what he looked like.  Maybe an hour or so into the game I looked up and there was this hunka hunka burning love in a Phillies t-shirt waving to me.  Had to be him, right? Unfortunately even though he and I played in the same tourney, we were never at the same table, nor were we even in shouting distance of each other.  I would've loved to be the one to take his bounty.  Heh.

Now I like Hoy but there's one thing about him that kinda pisses me off.  I'M NOT ON HIS BLOG ROLL!  I've asked him 4,177 times more than once to add me, but that always fell on deaf ears.  I decided to try once more.

"I need a little incentive to win this tourney.  How about if I make it to the final table you add me to your blog roll?  It'll take you 3 minutes and don't say no!"

"Alright, you final table and I'll add you." he agreed although I got the feeling he only agreed because he thought 'no way in heck she's gonna do that.'


Swing by HOY'S PLACE to see me, VERY JOSIE, on his blog roll.  Someone should've told him it was only a matter of time.  You do not say no to Very Josie, right Jordan?

There were about 290 peeps in this deep stack bounty event and I came in 4th.  4th baby!!!!!!!  I was actually on course to win the whole thing.  I was NEVER short stacked through the whole event but I made one bad call/decision after 14 hours of playing and went from 2nd in chips to the shortie.

Game started at 11am and 14 hours later I was knocked out at about 1am.  That's a loooooong day of ups and downs and alot of men yelling at me - more than I've ever experienced in my life.  More on that later though but I must say, it was the closest I ever got to crying in a casino - BUT I DIDN'T.  I think I was just over tired and overwhelmed and I let them get to me.  By "them" I mean the regulars at Foxwoods. It seemed that there were regulars and nonregulars.  The nonregulars loved me, but the others not so much.  Once I got the chip lead I pretty much ran roughshod over the table and they didn't like it. 

Here's the results though:

Click on picture to read details of the win

Yes, you read that correctly!  4th place and $4,177.  4th out of 290 players.  Not to shabbay.
You may have read about the deal I cut with Gary before the tourney.  He paid 1/3 of my buyin to receive 1/3 of my winnings less my expenses.  Yeah, maybe I should've capped his earnings potential like I usually do but this time I didn't.

Why?  I frigging worked him like a dog to create poker business cards to my exact specifications and he did.  Plus he took me to the doctor when I was sick so I'm glad he's getting lots of money.

I have so many hands to tell you about and so many guys to tell you about.  I shiat you not in the 14 hours I played poker I got an offer of jewelry, two dinner invitations and a few other kinds of invitations I'm too much of a lady to discuss.  I just don't understand how me kicking your ass at poker is attractive but I'm not complaining.  Men are funny.  Half of them forgot we were there to fight for money, not date.  The other half; they remembered why we were there and didn't like me one bit. Fuck 'em.
Big poker recap to come. 

In the mean time, play smart.


Memphis MOJO said…
Congrats - that's terrijfic!!
crafty said…
Josie, you're welcome for the one thing, and thank you for the other thing. But tell me this: Why do you censor yourself by deliberately misspelling "shit" like "shiat," but you let "fuck" ride? Just a coupla questions.

Give me a call if you're not too tired tonight...
Josie said…
Interesting question Gary.

I also censored myself when I wrote "he thought 'no way in heck she's gonna do that.'"

I changed hell to heck because of old man Ken. He's not a fan of swearing you know. But you know me, I couldn't write about something the tourney, something I'm so passionate about without the use of swear words for feeling.

As for using shiat in liew of shit, that wasn't because of censorship, that's because I like to say "shiat". More fun than saying "shit".

"fuck" as in "fuck 'em" was in reference to those bully bastards at foxwoods that yelled at me. Sometimes no other word is strong enough. This was one of those instances. Fuck em!

I'll be calling you in 3,2,1...
crafty said…
Josie said…
Thanks Mojo and Ray!
BVUGrad2003 said…
Wow! Congrats, Very Josie!! Do something fun with some of that money! BTW, what was 1st place? (just curious!)
BVUGrad2003 said…
HEY! Very Happy Birthday, Very Josie!! What an awesome present you gave yourself, courtesy of Foxwoods and the 286 people who finished behind you in that tourney!
Happy Birthday! :D
KenP said…
Anybody think that will make the Hendon Mob database? If it does, it'll be fun watching her head explode ... again.
Littleacornman said…
Wheeeeee! Congrats Josie!
Josie said…
BVU Grad, Thanks for the birthday wishes! First place was a little over 13 grand and immediately after I was out the remaining three started negotiating a deal. Deal was for first place to take a little over 9k.
Josie said…
Thanks everyone!

Ken, I'll be on the foxwoods website - results will be posted in a few weeks.
Josie said…
Hmmm, still haven't been added to Hoyazo's blog roll. I may have spoken too soon.
The Neophyte said…
Well done Josie, great job. My wife sees the very same thing when we play sometimes as well. Many guys do not take it well when a woman sticks to them on the poker table.
Mike Heffner said…
probably due to all that run good I sent you when you first posted about playing in this.... :-)
Josie said…
Thanks Guys! :) Your comments make me happy.

Heff I was thinking of you because I spent many hours with a very nice man from Virginia at my table. Those Virginia accents are hot!
J said…
Nice win! Those postings on my blog were not me and I have deleted them. In fact, I wouldn't have known about them if not for you, so thanks!

Florida is great, we're just super busy as kid #2 is due any day now. I hope to get back to poker and posting more in a few months, to some extent at least.

Keep up the great work and I'll talk soon. Lemme know if you decide to come back down for spring training next year!

Josie said…
Geez J - I was so worried! I though you were either in a mental institution or on crack or both. I just knew it didn't sound like you.

GL with the birth and please post baby pics. I like baby pics almost as much as poker!
Wolfshead said…
Nice showing, nice cash. You're buying dinner in AC tho I'll take you to OC and treat to some awesome pizza
Josie said…
Wolfie, it's a deal!
crafty said…
Wolfie, they have good pizza in Orange County, do they?

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