Guitar Cake
Evan's birthday cake. He got a red left-handed electric guitar for his birthday and a matching cake.
I didn't think to take pics until after I carved the cake out of a rectangle.
You can see the template I cut out of a manilla folder in the background above.
The neck of the guitar is made of Rice Krispie treats and the rest is vanilla cake. At this point I put the base coat of frosting on.
Frosted the neck. The black frosting is actually banana flavored.
Getting there....
The guitar strings are the only inedible part, which are embroidery thread. The thingys on the end are Sugar Babies.
My first and probably last guitar cake. It took a lot longer than I thought it would.
This one isn't made of cake!
Carmel - dalek -- did you mean the extraterrestrials from dr. who? They look like salt shakers in the pictures I saw when googling.