Mama's on Fire!

I played in a league tournament last night and I won. First place baby! It took 3 hours, and not only did I win the cash in the picture shown here, but I won 60 points for the league thingy.
This is the 2nd tournament for this league. I missed the first one, but regardless of that, with last night's win, I'm tied for 2nd in the league. I rock!
Marvin tripled up while the blinds were still 25-50 so he was the chip leader. It felt like I couldn't get two cards higher than nine for the first two hours so I played very little at first.
When I finally did get a decent starting hand and bet, everyone would fold to me. I wasn't going anywhere fast.
But everyone else was. They dropped like flies. We played 3 handed for almost two hours. Marving, me and Lynne, with Lynne the very shortstack.
I had doubled up and was doing okay but no where near Marvin.
Then I got A-5 in the big blind. I hate Ace Rag! Marvin doubled the blind but I figured I'd take a look see so I called. I guess it's not a terrible hand, 3 handed. :)
Flop was 5,5,K!
I checked and Marvin bet. I went into the tank for about 5 minutes. Merrill Streep would've been proud of the acting. I finally, grudgingly, called.
Turn was a 7 and I checked again.
Marvin went all in! I said "really marvin? I call!" He said YOU CANNOT HAVE A FIVE. I showed my trips with ace kicker. Marvin turned over k-7 for kings over sevens.
River was a 5!
I have "high hand" status in the league with the quads. It pays something at the end of the year. (don't ask me what)
I became chip leader. Then I took out Marvin. He was not happy to be bubble boy!
It was funny because when I was heads up with Lynne and I had a huge chip advantage, I thought to myself, if I can't beat Lynne heads up, I shouldn't be playing poker. Yes, she's that bad, but she came in 2nd!
And I came in first! Very Josie played VERY WELL.
Anyway, Happy Easter Peeps!
Play smart, especially if I'm at your table.
8 people didn't show up so I got a little over $200 for my 1st place win.