Good morning! One more thing....Josie Trivia

One thing I forgot to mention.  As soon as I settled in my seat, next to my buddy, they played MY SONG in it's entirety in the Garden.  How rare and cool is that?

Any song that starts with the word "Josie" is a fave of mine....lyrics are below.  Yes, it's an old song, but so am I.  Do you know it?  Name the song and the artist!

Josie's on a vacation far away
Come around and talk it over
So many things that I wanna say
You know I like my girls a little bit older

I just wanna use your love tonight
I don't wanna lose your love tonight

I ain't got many friends left to talk to
No one's around when I'm in trouble
You know I'd do anything for you
Stay the night but keep it undercover

I just wanna use your love tonight
I don't wanna lose your love tonight

Trying to stop my hands from shakin'
Somethin' in my mind's not makin' sense
It's been a while since we were all alone
I can't hide the way I'm feelin'

As you leave me please would you close the door
and don't forget what I told you
Just 'cause you're right - that don't mean I'm wrong
Another shoulder to cry upon

I just wanna use your love tonight
I don't wanna lose your love tonight

Play smart and confident!



evpjm said…
Oh Yeah, Also wanted to mention how I like the new ending Tag line.

Writing a Blog is hard stuff Huh? Not easy to come up with crap to write?
Josie said…
I get your point....this post is crapola. But no, if I had time I could write about poker all day every day. it'd take years to run out of stuff.

Too upset about those lies I just read about myself. I dunno why the opinion of some asshole, who doesn't know me should matter so much.
evpjm said…
Oh....By the way

It's the Outfield "Your Love"
evpjm said…
What Lies? Did I miss Something?
Josie said…
Yeah some guy on another blog wrote some mean comments about me! That made me cry. I'll tell you about it in a bit....fuck it I'll tell you now.

Said I was a dude pretending to be a woman. said I was prying on the blogging community for ad revenue - like i'm not really into poker, i'm just here because Im a predator. typing this stuff is making me I think i'm done. It's not true.
crafty said…
An open letter to the scumbag that made Josie cry:

I have known Josie for ten years - she's one of my very best friends in the whole world. I have sat on her left every Wednesday for all that time and I can confirm that she is very much a woman. She's not a lesbian, she's not butch, she's a real honest-to-Buddha woman, who wears makeup, who thinks Rob Thomas is dreamy, and who does not particularly like strangers suggesting that she is anything else.

Why the vitriol? Why do you serve up such white-hot anger to someone you haven't met, who is a good poker player, who has found her voice talking about it, and who is trying to cobble a few bucks a day off of her blog so that there's a few extra shekels in the bank after the bills are all paid? Who are you to say such mean-spirited things about this girl who has done nothing to you, who writes with humor and panache, who tells the world about her thoughts on poker, and who has created a user community who likes and respects her?

If you don't like her style, or her writing, or the fact that there's an ad or two on her page, that's fine. Stop reading. Leave a comment suggesting that her motives are mercenary. But don't heap invective upon her and strike a blow to her sense of self - while hiding behind a cloak of anonymity? The act of a coward, that. Give your name, your address, and your cell phone number, THEN see how comfortable you are making those comments.

You are the worst of the Internet's grand social machination. Flame the innocent elsewhere. Don't do it here.
Josie said…
Thanks Gary. I'm going to be nice to you for one whole week (for real).
evpjm said…
Well this is what happens when you put yourself out there like that. I wouldn't worry about it, sounds like someone's nervous about you. I can defintely say for sure that your reallllly into Poker and unless Gary is in on it, I'm pretty sure he knows the difference between a Man and a Women. If you have read Mikey for a while, he has said that he gets his fair share of critics and out of leftfield comments that we don't see. As the saying goes, it's better that they are talking about you then not. I would look at it as a Positive actually.
SirFWALGMan said…
LOL. Please do not be nice to Gary. He may get used to it. :P. Who said mean things about you? I did not read it........

How's this for a Josie song:

Josie and the Pussycats
Long tails and ears for hats

:P. Only one I know.
Josie said…
Waffles it WAS YOUR FRIEND ON YOUR BLOG. Sheesh! I don't mind all those jokes about me, but now it's getting to nasty for my likes!
Josie said…
EVP, it's just hurtful. And yeah, I can be a little fresh and/or sarcastic but never is it my intention to hurt anyone and this guy wanted very much to hurt me. He succeeded...and I bet he never even looked at my blog before making his public assumptions. Whatevah! I left my opinion of HIM on his blog....lets see if he has the balls to leave it there.
evpjm said…
And Gary......You have not had a Corned Beef or Pastrami sandwich till you had one at Carniege Deli in NYC. The size of the Sandwich is unbelievable and it will set you back about 18 bucks but the taste is beyond words.
Josie said…
I feel soooooo much better. I called the guy a dickhead and a fag a couple of times on Waffles blog.

*gag* enough about the corned beef! Although i've heard about carnegie deli alot! Have you ever been to Serendipity for the frozen hot chocolate? That's where I wanna go!
dbcooper said…
I think they have a Carnegie Deli in Vegas too. The sandwiches were huge. Good luck tonight Babe. See I am being real nice.
Josie said…
Coop, not even you can cheer me up. :(
Josie said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
fmarra17 said…
That song brings me back to 1986. It was agood year especially if you were a Mets fan like me. Although not so good for you Josie...(ground ball up along 1st... the rest is history) Your Love by The Outfield.
Josie said…
Frankie, that's right! It was a baaad year for the sox but a great year for me! I was 20 years old....great song...I know you're youngr than me....I'm surprised you even remember 1986!

And yes, Your Love by the Outfield. Good Stuff

YOUR post DID make me feel better. :)
fmarra17 said…
I've been to the Carnegie Deli in NYC it is on 56th and broadway. I use to eork right up the block from it. It is very good, but very expensive..a tourist trap.
fmarra17 said…
I was a freshman in high school in 1986 and lived and died by how the Mets did everynight. Alright I still do... My older brother got 2 tickets to game 6 of the world series and guess what.. he didn't take me. He took his girlfriend who is now his wife to the game. Even on my death bed I could never forgive him for that. He did bring me home a program...... :-(
fmarra17 said…
Josie don't let other people comments effect your mood. Opinions are like assholes everyone has got one.
Josie said…
Frankie a freshman in 1986!!! Damn you're young! Since you're so young, I'll give you a little out for older women with Sicilian tempers....and do not call them a dude.

And thanks for your kind words.
Memphis MOJO said…
Some people just wanna bring others down - don't let them do it.
Josie said…
Thanks Mojo!

Thank you ALL for all your kind words and support. I'm really lucky to have met such nice people.
REALLY. Thank you all for making me feel better.

crafty said…
And hopefully the last word on this matter: Fighting over the Internet is like participating in the Special Olympics: even if you win, you're still retarded.
evpjm said…
I answered that Triva Question about Three hours before Frankie mentioned the play by the best 1st baseman ever to play the Game Bill Buckner.....The Mets just opened a new Hall of Fame in their New Ball Park. I think they should put an interactive display of Bill Buckner and let Met Fans Line up and take a shot to hit a ball past Buckner. Shouldn't be too hard. :-)

"The Ball gets by Buckner and here comes Knight the Mets Win"

Great times.......
Josie said…
EVP, yes you did answer it first but I was too upset then. I'm ALL better now. In fact I'm so good I can laugh at your bill buckner comment. I actually remember watching that play at first base on TV. I can still feel the shock.

I was at opening day 2005 at Fenway when they had the ring ceremony and the dusted off ole Bill Buckner, brought him out and gave him a ring...and a sappy speech about how he's forgiven. Fuck that shit - I haven't forgiven him....still can't believe he couldn't make a play THAT I COULD MAKE. Must've been a pay off somewhere.

Hey did you hear the sox finally won a game last night? Our bats are waking up! A couple of rookies helped.
evpjm said…
The Red Sox have a good team with a Real Good Pitching Staff.....Not to worry.
fmarra17 said…
evp - I'm going to citifield on April 27th, I can not wait to see the new hall of fame. It is nice that it only took them a year to figure out that maybe citifield should not only be a shrine to the Brooklyn Dodgers. I will give a full report on the new hall of fame. I was at the 1st win in citifield last year (game 2) and also got lucky to be there for Sheffield’s 500th HR. Sadly was there for a lot of bad games throughout the year.
Josie said…
Awww EVP - That's the nicest thing you've ever said to me:
The Red Sox have a good team with a Real Good Pitching Staff.....Not to worry.

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