Further Proof that I'm Capable of Taking Coop's Money

When you win money at the Saugus Sportsmen's Club you get a little manilla envelope like the ones shown here.  I was collecting them for a while, but honest to God I stopped collecting about a year ago.

I wonder how many I'd have if I had kept up with it.  Even the envelope I got last week was trashed.  But why am I showing you this?

It is proof that Coop is wrong!  I can't tell you when and I can't tell you how much, but it's mine!



dbcooper said…
Yea but Josie you haven't told the whole story. Most of those old guys forget what game they are playing and think a 10 -5 is a good hand (cribbage) . Shame on you for preying on the elderly. Now when you play Memphis and I now that's another story.
Obligatory cleavage shot :-)
Cricket said…
Hey Jos,

THANK YOU and EVERYONE and I had a FAB Birthday, and still celebrating!
Got the friends lined up till Monday night Salsa dancing in Harvard Square! :D

I'm sorry I broke your Clown Punching Sandbag and hid him in the closet, amongst other things.

Lotsa Love, Cricket
SirFWALGMan said…
Was it a coincidence that the Google ad for this post was for bottles of wine?
Josie said…
@coop - true! you're in a different league - my league. honestly you weren't at my table but i played perfectly for like the first two hours - wine caught up to me....not next time tho.

@ Jew Boy II - Happy Friday!

@Cricket - You're welcome...and i forgot about my punching bag! no worries!

@Waffles - i bet it isn't a coincidence....maybe you oughta click on that wine link and find out more.....:) I need better ads like yours. mine suck.
fmarra17 said…
Now there is a girl who knows how to keep readership on an upward trend when you post a great pic like that.

Atta girl!!
Josie said…
Awww thanks Frankie! Have a good weekend! (I assume you aren't talking about the pictures of the envelopes)

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