Josie in the 80's! (No Poker Content)

Here are some pictures of me from the 80's!  These photos are not the greatest quality.  Clicky on the photo to see it better.

That's me in the center in the blue top with my cousins.  1985

Josie in 1990....but it sure looks like the 80's doesn't it?  LOL

Me at Disney 1989

Well there you have it!  I've aged like a fine Italian wine. ;)



dbcooper said…
I will never say another bad word about you............ The guy on th far right scares me...........Ha Ha
You call me Jew Boy II, but LOL Italian stereotypes! Could unibrow or dude on right be any more stereotypically Italian? :-)
Josie said…
@Coop - very observant. That was my brother...

@JB II, you're right. We're all wicked Italian...LOL

All the pics are such a riot...we thought we were looking so good...could my hair be any higher? LOL Talk about eighties look AND uber italian.
Lucki Duck said…
Sweet Baby Jesus! That's some SERIOUS hair!

Of course, my favorite is the one with the duck hat! Obviously you were crazy about me even back then ;o)
Josie said…
SEE Coop? If you dated me in the 80's you'd be sure to remember it.

The pics kinda support Gary's "flat chested" theory BUT you have to take into account that under that leather jacket is NOTHING....BRA-LESS. Crazy!
Josie said…
LOL - It took work to make my hair that big! Perms...teasing...and ALOT of hair spray!

Yeah baby - I was channelling the inner duck even then. ;)
Lucki Duck said…
Wow! Thanks for including my blog in your rotation. I feel like I've hit the big time!
lightning36 said…
What a coincidence. I ate at Olive Garden tonight while my Italian dinner club group had its monthly meeting back home.

I can almost hear my Uncle Benny singing -- when I was a child:

We` Marie, we` Marie
Quanto sonno agiu perso per te
Famme` durmi, una notte abbraciata cu te ...
Josie said…
Duck Meat, I figure I gotta keep my eye on you.
Josie said…
Oh to my ears!

And FYI Cricket and I had an Uncle Benny too! Too funny.
Josie said…
Lightning, are you up as late as I am? What's the time diff between mass(ET) and wherever the hell you are (still in Minn?)?
lightning36 said…
Just an hour earlier.

Still in Minnesota. Going home in the morning.

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