Easy Money!

Me and my boy Frankie (the friggin' New Yorker lol) are playing a single table on full tilt tonight at 9pm ET.  It's a $10+1 game.

And guess who else is playing?  Jew Boy! (Gary)

I've also sent invitations to DB Cooper and Lucki Duck, but they're wicked old, so who knows if they have the energy to play with me.

So the young guys (younger than me anyway), Frankie and Jew Boy are definites.

And old guys, Coop and Ducky, check out the invites I sent you and let me know. 

And yeah Ducky I'm assuming you're older than me, which makes you very old, like Coop.

I'll be blogging about the game while Duck hunting!

Play smart.



Josie said…
No Duck Hunting. :(

Lucki Duck can't make it. Turns out the old age home has an early lights out policy so he can't play. Such a shame. :)
dbcooper said…
AS enticing as the thought of more Josie money coming my way I won't be able to make it. I will try and check out how you guys are doing though if I make it back in time.
Josie said…
@Coop No worries. Sounds like the old guys are out. The young'uns are in trouble!
Lucki Duck said…
So, how'd that easy money work out for ya?

Early lights out AND no internet at the old folks home.
Memphis MOJO said…
And the MOJO man wasn't invited! Tsk, tsk.
Josie said…

You always have a standing invite. Nothing I like better than a nitty old man's money.

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