A Very Jew Boy Weekend

This is Jew Boy dressed as a dickhead for Halloween!

Just kidding!

He's wearing the penis hat for a reason.

A good friend of mine was kind enough to knit it for me and I was wearing it during poker one night. (I look way cute in it) Anyway, Gary was being a ballbuster, saying it looked like a penis hat and I should take it off. So me being creative (and evil) suggested a side bet. If Gary lost, I take a picture of HIM in the penis hat.

Who do you think won? LOLLLLLLLLLLL

I agreed not to post it on Facebook, but I never said I wouldn't put it on my blog!!!

I haven't seen Gary in a couple of weeks, but I'm making up for lost time. I'm having a Very Jew Boy weekend (god help me) that starts on Friday and ends on Monday.

Here's the itinerary.

Friday night: Poker at Josie's house
I haven't played with my usual donks lately, so I'm having them over and showing them a little love. At $5 a tourney it won't kill me to get sucked out on.

Saturday Noon: Playing in The Saugus Sportsman's Club Tournament
$50 buy-in w/$5 scratch ticket bounty (hate the scratch ticket bounty but no one asked my opinion) This is the tourney that Jew Boy and I chopped a couple of weeks ago when we were down to the two of us. These old dudes are not poker players, so I like what I'm up against. And I like the players. I feel like I give them a little fun and entertainment for their money anyway. See taking money from old men doesn't make me a bad person! (Coop where's your wallet?)

Sunday - Day of Rest:
Gary Free Day! Woot!

Monday Night: - Bruins Playoff Game!!!
Gary (the most awesome guy I know)is taking me to a Bruins playoff game at The Boston Garden. Sure to be a great time, except I hope the players don't fight on the ice. That happens so often and it isn't tolerated in other sports! Prior to the game, I'm hitting a bar with a few of the girls from work. One of them is turning 26 yrs old (young bitch) so we'll be toasting Jenny's birthday!

I'm setting a record for most times being on the Jumbotron at The Garden. I've been on it three times in the past 2 years. Obviously the cameras (or camera guys) love me. Funny enough, Gary and I went to a game at Fenway, and didn't I get on it there too! (just the once) I swear to God I looked up and I was the focus....and next to me was a hairy jewish guy wearing a bruins shirt up on the big screen. One Bruins shirt in a sea of red sox garb.

Gary, thanks again for sharing your tix. You really rock. In fact I may even be nice to you for one whole day! I dunno when though. :)

Please stay tuned throughout the weekend for updates - as I'll have my camera with me.

Play smart.



crafty said…
It remains the only time that I have made the jumbotron. We were in the right field roof boxes, watching Tim Wakefield cough one up against the Yankees. So help me, she just got finished telling me how she always makes the god damned jumbotron, and there we are.
SirFWALGMan said…
Wait I thought the Fighting was the best part of a live Bruins game!
Josie said…
Waffles - I think it's stupid! They ask each other "Would you like to fight" and if the response is "yes, let's do it", they drop their gloves and then fight.
RIDICULOUS (and violent).

If they can wait for confirmation before swinging, there's no need to be swinging.
SirFWALGMan said…
WOW! I never knew that. I thought they just threw down!!!!
Josie said…
Well, that's MY understanding - someone must've told me that cuz I don't know anything about hockey....either gary told me that or Nikki - my awesome goalie playing friend - I'll ask her!
crafty said…
First of all, it's not "would you like to fight?" - it's not a tea party (see exception below). There are a number of ways to pose the question, verbal or otherwise. Verbally, it's usually "Wanna go?" - when a team good is looking to engage the other team's goon.

If there's a reason to fight - one of the opposing team did something that was bad - the fighter will whack the fightee's shinguards with his stick before dropping the gloves.

If a guy refuses to fight (to "turtle"), it's considered the act of a scumbag to fight him anyway; but the turtler is branded as a pussy, so both sides of the equation are fraught with peril.

There are stories of young up-and-comer goons asking for a fight from a veteran by addressing him as "sir" or otherwise treating him with great respect. "Can I get a fight from you please, Mr. Nilan?" for example.

It's a little odd but when you play a fast, physical game with sticks, you NEED to have a safety valve built in. Nobody wants to see someone completely lose it on the ice.
dbcooper said…
Try not to take too much of the old guys money Josie (you wont get any of mine). Very dashing hat Gary. You probably won't see too many fights as its a playoff game. Too much at stake. Oh and I just read your Christmas party story. Too funny...... Mixing drinks is never a good thing. Wish you had more pics!!! ha Ha
Josie said…
@Coop, about taking your money: (you wont get any of mine).....WANNA BET? :)

And about the pictures - who said I didn't have more?
Josie said…
gary....thanks for clearing that up so concisely! LOL
crafty said…
I do nothing with conscision.
dbcooper said…
I seem to recall taking 2 bucks of your money on Wednesday (or did you forget already the bounty). So far none of my money had gone your way. Come and sit on old Coop's lap and I will explain how to win at poker amongst a few other things..............Ha Ha
Josie said…
Coop, No I didn't forget that but winning 2 bucks doesn't mean I'll never win any of your money!

In fact, that's a very bold statement that I will prove wrong.

"Come and sit on old Coot's lap and I will explain how to win at poker amongst a few other things"...I would but you wouldn't be able to talk for a week! LOL
Josie said…
Coop - I demand that you return my $2 to me IMMEDIATELY! And none of that Canadian money either! :)
dbcooper said…
Hey our Canadian dollar was higher than your dollar this week so I feel ripped off only getting 99 cents on that American buck.

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