I better get this done and over with

I suck.  I played The Mookie last night with over 115 other players, and I played very badly.  NY Rambler kept putting pressure on me and I think I folded the best hand twice....just didn't want to call an all in and be out so soon.  Don't forget my side bet with DB Cooper aka Old Man.

So yeah I was out first, and I went out with my favorite hand; jack ten suited.  After the turn I had a flush draw and an open ended straight draw so I called two all in bets AND I LOST.  What a donk move.  I was on tilt and just didn't play well.

I owe Poop Coop $5 for our side bet.  Full Tilt won't let me transfer it until Coop completes ALL of  his address details....hold on, lemme try again...It just went through.  :(  Taking money from a sweet, innocent young woman.  I don't know how he sleeps at night. *sigh*

Onto better news....I have tomorrow and Friday off.  No work till next Monday!  How cool is that!  Although I set up some meetings that I usually run for tomorrow and told the PM's and prinicpals to go ahead and meet without me.  I dunno how THAT is going to work....I just may go in at noon....I dunno.  I do know they don't expect me so don't say anything. ;)

Instead I could always get out my poker uniform......go to the Seabrook Poker Room........Hmmmmm.

Josie & The PussyCats


Memphis MOJO said…
Sorry to hear it didn't go better. Enjoy the next four days.
evpjm said…
Sounds More like you need a change a scenery. I would look to change it up if I was you? Foxwoods?
Josie said…
Foxwoods is so far away!!! I may not even get to Seabrook!

Instead, I'm playing a $24+2 (90) person with a knockout on full tilt. And instead of the poker uniform, I'm in my pajamas!

Oh Gary's in the tourney too...let's see how we do! This is sooooo much better than working. I can't remember the last time I had a day off...must've been Christmas.
Josie said…
Still waiting for the game to start! 50 of 90 so far. tick, tick, tick...
Josie said…
Out! I barely played a hand. Then I had top pair, improved to straight and someone caught a flush on the river. Argh!

At least I lasted longer than Jew boy though! ;) Damn, shoulda had a side bet.
evpjm said…
Wow.....Done already!!!! It's hard to make a living at. That's why people go to work.
fmarra17 said…
My Favorite game to play on Pokerstars is a $36 NO Limit 180 players Turbo Tournament (Blinds increase every 5 Min). I have been doing quite well in that game recently. Over last month or so I have won twice, come in second twice and 4th, 7th & 8th once and have made the money between 10 & 18th 4 times. That format seems to work very well with the tight- agressive style. In the last tournament that I won - up until it got to the final 4 people I played 13 hands out of 160 and won each hand which made me chip leader.
dbcooper said…
Hey enjoy your days off... I got your cash and it looks very pretty in my account... Ha Ha Although the way I played I really didn't deserve it.
Josie said…
COOP - I think I'm taking a break from side bets with YOU. I like to think I learn from my mistakes.

Frankie, sounds like my kinda tourney but I don't play on PS!

EVP, I am giving you the finger RIGHT NOW. ;)
Josie said…
Annnnnnnd EVP, I'm not even on a diet! LOL It's good you learn now how naturally bitchy I am.
Josie said…
Nope, no diet....and since I'm home, I had time for breakfast....honey bunches with almonds. that's some good stuff right there.
fmarra17 said…
Josie - Why do your prefer Fulltilt over Pokerstars?
evpjm said…
I'm not so sure it's a good thing to Learn. But I am learning how to Push your buttons I guess without even trying. FYI- I like Nice Josie Better. The naturally Bitchy Josie-Not So Much. But I guess that's you being you.
Cricket said…
No mention of our home game?
Cricket won the first, then left to go dancing and had a fabulous time!
Josie said…
Frankie, I never had a poker stars account so I don't know which I prefer. I have money in full tilt so that's what I use.

EVP, Nice all the time is boring....and I wasn't all that bitchy....when I was giving you the finger I was smiling.

Cricket - Oh yeah - Cricket won the first game and then went dancing! It seems so long ago. Sorry!
Josie said…
Cricket - I'm making that calzone for GoBurn1....you thinking of stopping by? May as well do it on my day off. Making homemade fried raviioli too....Did I mention no diet? :)
Cricket said…
ummm and yummm,

Goburn1 will be happy no matter when he gets it...fried ravioli???

I may stop over at some point.

Winnings were spent on continued birthday celebrations!

Warner, the bartender, and I drank a HUGE Birthday Cake shot! End of the night and I had to take it in 3 goes. So Big, So good!
fmarra17 said…
mmmmmmm....Homemade ravioli...you found the way to my heart. But the proof is in the sauce. how good is your sauce???
Josie said…
Frankie honey, I agree! It's all about the sauce....and mine is so good people rave about it. And NEVER EVER EVER jarred crapola.

And I have a feeling my sista isn't talking about shots! LOL

Yeah, more like a toasted ravioli...gonna dip them in egg, spices, breadcrumbs, grated cheese and brown in olive oil...with homemade sauce to dip in.
fmarra17 said…
I'll be there by 7:00 for dinner!!
dbcooper said…
Was your sisters bartender Canadian?? Then I could understand the 3 goes.
Schaubs said…
I gotta say Josie, all of these google ads are just a BIT distracting...
Josie said…
Schaubs!! Baby!!! I'll remove them for you.

Read my post called "Nip" and thanks for stopping by.

I <3 Schaubs
Josie said…
Canadian??? No. I don't think Canadia is even a country. :P
Josie said…
Schaubs....say it ain't so. You're a goddam Canadian TOO?

Are you really? Don't deny it! (although I would)
NewinNov said…
Pajamas are much better. Sorry you didn't last long. I played like a donkey but for a reason; It just starts so late for us East Coast players. Better luck next time.

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