Tune in tonight

For my post.  Too busy in work today!


SirFWALGMan said…
Josie works at work? No Way! I thought she answered comments all day. :P.
Josie said…
At least I don't stroll in at 11am, like some people, Pancake (much better than Waffles)
Josie said…
Mojo, my man, some of us have to work for a living....we can't all be ancient and retired. ;)
dbcooper said…
You work??? Geez and I thought all you did was blog.. and I was going to hire you to be my secretary, coffee girl, turn on my laptop girl. You know easy stuff.
Josie said…
Everyone's a comedian today.
dbcooper said…
That's cause we luv ya!! Well at least until tomorrow night
Josie said…
How much does laptop girl pay? :)
dbcooper said…
Good and excellent fringe benefits.....
Josie said…
LOL I'll just take the benefits!

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