Josie's Garden
The two mammoth tomato plants are the two big bushes in the middle. They're kind of hard to see because there's a high ivy wall behind all of the plants. There's basil and cilantro in the pots.
Waiting for them to ripen.
The tall plants to the left and right of the little girl are sunflowers. They're about 5 ft tall but no flowers yet. :(
Shrimp colored impatients
Wild flowers from seeds
Petunias and allysum
boatload of impatients
Mmmm tomatoes
Mmmmm basilico! (basil)
These are cantaloupe plants. If you clicky on the picky you'll see all the stumps where some animal has been munching.
Grrrrr all my cantaloupe flowers are getting eaten!
More chewed up plants
These are chewed up tomato plants. I think they're too far gone to produce fruit but we'll see.
This is the row of tomato plants in trouble.
Pretty petunias
Medium sized tomato plants that are doing pretty well.
Again, medium sized tomato plants
The ONLY raccoon I want to see.