
Casey Anthony was just found NOT guilty of First Degree Murder.  Now for me, that's not a shocker.  To be guilty of first degree murder there has to be evidence of premeditation and I never heard an iota about evidence of that.  For me the shocker is that she was also found NOT guilty of 2nd and 3rd degree murder.  Wow!

She must've killed the kid, right?  I mean sure, perhaps she didn't plan it, but her selfishness and stupidity led to her daughter's death I assume.  The thing is, in this country you have to be proven guilty.  Assumptions don't matter.  Facts and only facts matter.

#1 Fact- Dead child

That's really the only fact.  Sure we heard about Casey's car smelling like death, but that's not a fact.  Who else would put a heart sticker on the baby girl's duct taped mouth if not the mother?  Again, assumption not fact.  Sure, it took the good mommy over a month to report her child missing, which I guess is a fact, but isn't proof that she murdered anyone, just proof that she's a stupid insensitive selfish biatch.

In summary, I do think Casey killed that sweet looking three year old girl, but I don't think the prosecution proved beyond reasonable doubt that she did it.  Kudos to the jury for walking that fine and keeping their emotions out of their decisionmaking.  That cannot be easy to do.



Memphis MOJO said…
I'm like you -- my guess is she did it, but (a big but) it has to be proven.
PokahDave said…
I can't believe it....I have a 3 year old daughter and I can't believe anyone could do such a thing. I swear to daughter put her hands on the sides of her face and I kinda freaked out because she looked exactly like Kaylee for a couple of seconds. Same as that photo that is now famous. If she isn't guilty of killing her daughter then who the fuck is? This jury is guilty of stupidity...just like the jury that acquitted O.J....they are no better...
Vegas Linda Lou said…
I agree with everything you said. Just let me add that I think Casey Anthony is a fucking skank.
crafty said…
hee hee - a big but...
Josie said…
Dave, I know. As a parent it's just beyond comprehension but I truly believe she never got the "parenting gene".

Linda, She IS a fucking skank. I believe Karma will have it's way with her eventually.

Dave, The jury isn't at fault. They did as they were instructed to do. Prosecution didn't meet the burden of proof.

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