The Verdict is in...

I do have pneumonia. *cough*  I'm glad I got home and saw my doctor.  Gary was kind enough to drive me to the doctor's, and then the hospital for a chest x-ray and finally to Walgreens to get 3 prescriptions filled.  Gary's a goooooooooooooooood friend. 

We got into the hospital elevator with a guy WHO LOOKED EXACTLY LIKE SANTA CLAUS.  I cannot stress enough that I'm not exaggerating.  The guy was stout, balding on top with long white hair and a longer white beard.  He had a belly like a bowl full of jelly.  He was wearing red suspenders, a red belt, red sneakers with a white shirt and white pants.  I shiat you NOT.  It was fricking Santa Claus if you met him in July.

I swear he looked more like Santa than this guy.

I soooo wanted to say "Santa's sick?" but every time Gary made me laugh it would end in a fit of painful coughing so I was trying hard to keep a straight face.  For the entire elevator ride with Santa, Gary faced the corner with his back to Santa and me, with a big shit eating grin on his face.  When we got off the elevator he said "You want to go first or shall I?"  I was like "It was Santa!" and then Gary said something about being Jewish and had me laughing so hard I couldn't breath/walk.

So we get to x-ray (I was there for a chest x-ray) and when I tell the woman my name, the first thing she says to me is (and this is a quote) "That bra and t-shirt have to come off!" 
"Okay, but next time you're buying me a drink first."
I go remove the offending clothing and when I get back Gary has an older woman entranced with a story.  I go get my xray and in the xray room all I can hear is Gary talking and talking.  As I'm getting the actual xray, I hear "So, you're thinking of going into nursing?  Snap out of it!"  Heh.  After I was done I found him with two women while he was holding court. "They're mother/daughter you know..."

And then we get to the drug store.  We entered the store behind this methadone freak woman who is walking slower than the walking dead.  *shuffle, shuffle, shuffle* omfg  She was heading for the pharmacy and so were we at .000000009 miles per hour.  I finally got my prescriptions - azithromycin, prednisone* and 2 albuterol inhalers.  Sheesh.  With my prescription drug coverage it still cost me a total of $47 because the inhalers alone cost $30.  I almost left them there but Gary told me not to be a cheap biatch.
And there you have it.

Lakeside cottage in Maine next to 4 cottages full of friends for a week:  $525
Pneumonia related drugs: $47
Having a couple of days home all alone to get better: PRICELESS

It's awfully quiet around here and there's nothing to do except get better and lay in the sun. (and blog)  Oooo and water the plants in the backyard!  Two of our tomato plants are mammoth!!!! Since I've got nothing better to do I'll take some pictures of my backyard plants...impatients, tomatoes, basil, cilantro, mint, cantaloupe, sunflowers and some other pretty flowers that I don't know the name of.



crafty said…
*touching the brim of my ten-gallon hat*

Just doin' my job, ma'am.
The Neophyte said…
Welcome back, sorry you are ill. BTW how many docks did you fall off of?
Josie said…
Thanks Neo Baby. Zero, in answer to your question. There WAS a dock and the kids were playing king of the dock and tossing people off but I was too darn sick. Most I did was float along the lake in a floatie with a cup holder, sipping my absolut and pineapple juice (for medicinal purposes).
Josie said…
Thanks Neo Baby. Zero, in answer to your question. There WAS a dock and the kids were playing king of the dock and tossing people off but I was too darn sick. Most I did was float along the lake in a floatie with a cup holder, sipping my absolut and pineapple juice (for medicinal purposes).
Memphis MOJO said…
Hope you get to feeling better!
bastinptc said…
Still got your spunk. That'll get you healthy as much as the drugs.
SirFWALGMan said…
No good deed goes unpunished... waiting for Gary's post "That Bitch Gave Me Pneumonia".. Impressed that Gary was trying to tag team a Mom and Daughter though. That is ballah.
Josie said…
Thanks Guys!

Gary was working those women like it was last call at Coyote Ugly.
crafty said…
Ah, older women. You know what they say: They don't tell, they don't swell, and they're grateful as hell. And the daughter was already in a hospital johnny, for chrissake. I was a kind word and a roofie away from closing the deal but Josie c-blocked me.
lightning36 said…
gg, Gary. Go get 'em next time!
Josie said…
Thanks lightning for the kind wishes!
lightning36 said…
Oh yeah -- hope you are feeling better, princess. : o )
Josie said…
Too little too late old man. I'm Sicilian you know.
PokahDave said…
Blogging trip reports to the Doctor? Well played....get better soon so I can kick your ass up at Seabrook....
Littleacornman said…
Sounds almost as bad as Man Flu... Get well soon Josie!
Josie said…
Pokah Dave, Bite me. Believe me, I'd love to be blogging bout some live poker but mama's sick!
Josie said…
TY! Englishmen are such gentlemen!
SirFWALGMan said…
Acornman just want's to stick a finger up your bum. It sounds so much better in proper English.
Josie said…
Oh, is that what he meant? In that case,

Waffles, Sounds almost as bad as Man Flu... Get well soon Waffles!
Littleacornman said…
It'll be a rocket not a finger if you call me English again ;-)

Glasgow kiss for Waffles coming up for his cheek :-)
Josie said…
LOL I meant Scottish!

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