Poker, Baby!

The Wonder of it all!

I have one word for you:  FOXWOODS!

I'm heading down to Foxwoods on Thursday afternoon.  The plan is to play in the deep stack tournaments on Thursday and/or Friday nights as well as playing a little 1-2 NL.  I should have quite the write up posted here by Monday morning.

My sister Carmela Cricket is meeting two friends at Foxwoods and "invited" me to join her.  Okay, maybe I coerced her into inviting me, but I say potato, potahto.  She met her two friends, Giggs and Michael there a couple of weeks ago, WITHOUT inviting me, (can you imagine?)  but I'm coming along for Hangover 2.  These peeps are loads of fun so it's sure to be a blast, although the boys only play slot machines so I don't know how much time I'll be spending with them, as I don't anticipate leaving the poker room.

My sister does play better than average poker when she puts her mind to it.  When she went last time she sat down at a 1-2NL cash game with..........wait for it..............$20 in chips.  Who knew you could even sit down with that little?  The $20 lasted her quite a while before she had to dip into her pocket again.  After playing for hours she left down $43, which is pretty much break even poker, right Waffles?  :)  After that she won $80 in a slot machine so she was up for the day.  I'm hoping she'll try poker again though.

Once I was certain I was going, I invited THIS GUY and THAT GUY to join me.  I invited Hoy because when he was there a couple of weeks ago to play that big tourney he invited me to join him.  What he actually said was something like 'if you're woman enough to play' or something like that.  The bastard! lol  Gary, that guy, was invited because he lives not too far from there.  Alas, both guys declined.  Obv they're not man enough to play against the likes of me.  :)

My sister will be picking me up from work around 3pm, which should be plenty of time to make the 6pm tourney, as Foxwoods is only 2 hours away.  Yet don't forget that it took us 4 hours to get to the campground that was 1 1/2 hrs away so you never know.  Plus since I'm coming from work, I'll have to change clothes in the car and/or Foxwoods garage, as I can't wear my poker uniform to work.  Ugh.

Speaking of poker uniforms, I'm thinking of doing something I've never done before.  I'm going to wear sunglasses during the tourneys.  Now I've never done this at Seabrook because quite frankly, I don't think the players there have the ability to gleen much from tells, although I certainly do.  I've also never done it because I assumed I'd feel like an ass wearing sunglasses inside, but I'm throwing caution to the wind!  If even one person is reading tells it will be worth wearing them, plus wearing sunglasses will disguise the fact that I'm staring at each guy as they make their moves.  I plan on going into this with as much of an edge as I can get.  This means I'll be living, breathing and READING poker from now until I hear "Shuffle up and deal".

As far as reading, I plan to re-read the majority of Gus Hansen's Every Hand Revealed, Harrington on Poker, Annie Duke as well as Hoyazo's recent post on tournament play.  I don't remember it's exact content but I remember reading it and physically nodding my head in agreement, so I must revisit it.  Know why?  Cuz I expect about 300 runners in these tourneys and I expect to CASH.

Play smart.



lightning36 said…
I bring my sunglasses with me but only put them on when I have raised big or all-in and the other player goes in the tank. At some point the player usually stares at me looking for a tell, and at that point I put the glasses on -- which feels much better than doing the motionless stare straight ahead. It usually provides comic relief for the table also.

gl gl gl!
Josie said…
Thanks Lightning!
PokahDave said…
Read this today!

The eyes are the least reliable of tells....
Josie said…
Thanks Dave and Mojo!
Josie said…
Pokah Dave, you're killing me! That Read'em and Reap thingy cost $129!!!!
PokahDave said…
ooops...the book is only 20...looks like I gugled instead of googled..
Anyway buy the book instead....
Josie said…
Ohhhh There's a book? Well baby, that's all you had to say! TY, I will buy it tonight!
SirFWALGMan said…
Josie mooning half the highway from here to Connecticut. Good times!
Josie said…
LOL It's gonna be a FULL moon tomorrow night!
crafty said…
Good luck Jo and Cricket...wish I were going with you.
The Neophyte said…
Good luck Josie, I love going to Foxwoods when I'm up there.
jamyhawk said…
I always wear sunglasses but it's not to avoid giving away tells. I think it looks creepy when I am staring at a player.

So I wear them so I can sit and stare at someone before they act, or when they are in a hand and I'm not, or whenever and I don't look like a perv <--not saying I'm not one, just don't want to look like one.
Josie said…
Jamy, that decides it. I'm DEF wearing them. I'm always staring too long at someone and would love to disguise it.
KenP said…
Save your effort on the shades.

Just wear a low-cut. They'll never get as high as your eyes to tell if you are watching them.
Wolfshead said…
Should have said something, I'd have made the trip
Josie said…
Darnski Wolfie!

I'm def going back soon and will email you the details when they're ironed out.
Jordan said…
I know I'm late to comment, but I'm catching up on my reading and this is a topic I am passionate about. I ALWAYS wear my sunglasses when I play. They are important so that I can look at people without them knowing it. I don't want it obvious that I am paying attention, and if a player is able to throw out reverse tells, sunglasses will disguise when I am looking in their direction.

Here's the thing. A lot of times, I'm the only person with sunglasses. I usually play 1/2 NLHE, so I may look like a tool. But then I started to think that I should take every advantage I can get, short of cheating or angle shooting. Also, if everyone thought it wasn't cool to wear shorts to the poker table, would I change that for them? No. So why would I change my sunglasses? Why should I care what they think.

And so, I highly encourage you to wear the glasses.
Josie said…
Jordan, you're right. If it gives me 1/16th of an advantage, it's worth it.

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