Friday - The Smokey Eye

Not much to do today.  I'm still feeling a little sick and I'm supposed to do nothing that would exert my lungs.  Unfortunately, I can't do my favorite non-exertion pasttime; tanning, as it's cloudy as a mo'fo'.  So instead, I've had a two hour nap that SOMEONE insisted on waking me from, and I just spent an hour watching four youtube videos of Kim Kardashian getting her make up done.  Getting "the smokey eye look", to be exact.

All the videos take place in Kim's kitchen and the guy applying the makeup above is a genius!  He's in all the kitchen videos too.  I got some good tips, but haven't tried anything out yet as I haven't even showered today.  (gross huh?  but I ain't going anywhere and I'm lazy) 

I do plan on taking a shower once I get a little motivation, and having a bit of a spa home day, which means a sugar scrub on my skin and alot of moisturizer. 

Then I may try out the Kim Kardashian smokey eye tricks although I know it won't be quite the same.  She insists on finishing with fake eyelashes, which ain't gonna happen.

Wish me luck.

Blah, still feeling sick.  Maybe tomorrow's spa day.



lightning36 said…
"I do plan on taking a shower once I get a little motivation, and having a bit of a spa home day, which means a sugar scrub on my skin and alot of moisturizer."

Hope you were not referring to Sugar Bear there. Just sayin' ...
Josie said…
Creep! He's in Maine, fishing.
KenP said…
Clarification needed.

Are we talking lungs or LUNGS?
Josie said…
LOL I mean lungs. When I mean titties, I'll say so. :P
KenP said…
I've always loved Mother's milk. Three reasons.

1. Fresher
2. Cute containers
3. High enough off the ground that the cats can't get at it.

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