It's Okay Tuesday!

I stole this idea from another blog where the woman lists things that are okay.

1.  It's okay that my toe is broken because it enables me to wear flip flops in the office.  Woot!  Note to self:  Milke this for as long as possible.

2.  It's okay to be pissed off that Casey Anthony will soon be walking free.  It's not okay to assume the jurors didn't do their job correctly.

3.  It's okay to like movies set in Vegas.  The next one I want to see is Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas.  I have no idea what it's about except that Vegas is in the title.

4.  It's okay to spend half of my vacation time playing poker so long as I sped the other half doing family stuff.

5.  It's okay to get my hopes up that I'll eventually receive my Full Tilt money, even though the odds are slim.  Lucky Duck says odds are 15% we get paid and 85% that we do not.  I think the most frustrating part of this is all that time and effort expended to win Survive Donkey Island and my winnings are part of the money those guys are holding.

6.  It's okay to wish that Gonzo (Adrian Gonzalez) had won the Home Run Derby instead of Robinson Canoe, who had his father pitching to him.  GrandDad must've been unavailable.

7.  It's okay to think that Yankees Suck! (see #6)

8. It's okay to go to work when your son has pneumonia if your sister is kind enough to watch him.

9. It's okay to start work at 7:30am in the summer because playing on Full Tilt isn't keeping me up till after midnight.

Play smart.



SirFWALGMan said…
If all the buyout talk is correct I think your percentage is a lot higher than 15%...
Josie said…
From your lips to Howard Lederer's ears.
DuggleBogey said…
You may want to prepare yourself a little more for "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas." Just look at Wikipedia under Hunter S. Thompson then you should be ready.

Oh, and the Red Sawx suck.
Josie said…
Biatch! Them's fighting words. Do not make me go down there and kick your Tennessee butt right off your moped. :P
Josie said…
Um, checking out the movie on wickipedia is a good idea though. Thanks!
PokahDave said…
Read the book first! It's much better and you will know what the hell is going on in the movie....
Josie said…
If I read the book first then I def won't like the movie, as movies are never as good as the books they are based upon.

besides the movie is on demand and I still have to buy the last book you recommended. :)
PokahDave said…
Def. read that other book...but F&L in Las Vegas is a book that you can't put down and can probably read in 4 hours...
Josie said…
Oh it's one of THOSE kind of books - my fave!
lightning36 said…
We'll get paid. Book it. And you'll notice that it was I was was right all along. lol
Lucki Duck said…
Waffles is right. IF the buyout happens our chances of getting paid go up. But that hasn't happened yet.

I hope lightning is as smart as he claims :)
Josie said…
Lightning isn't as smart, handsome or rich as he claims!
lightning36 said…
I never claimed to be rich. : o )

I won't dignify the other comments. I guess I will delete you from my list of female admirers. Maybe I'll wait till I have some more time since the list is so long ...

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