Out of uniform

It's the holiday weekend people, and I'm going camping.  Yes, camping!  We're hitting a state campground in New Hampshire.  It's one of our favorites because it's on a lake so there are lots of activities.  We'll be doing the following:

Fishing - Yuck, while sugar bear is fishing, I'll be sunbathing
Swimming- Yay, just TRY to get me out of the water.
Canoeing - Meh.  Canoes are provided by the campgrounds
Kayaking - Yay!  My favorite thing!  I love, love, love to kayak, especially on a river.  As this campground is on a lake there are kayaks available for puttering around the lake, which is also pretty cool.  If we want to we can take a short drive to one of the may rivers.
Reading - I have a big stack of stuff to read.  If I get through half of it, I'll be happy.
Cooking over the campfire and bbqing - Mmmmmmmm Food just tastes better when you're camping.  I may make some chili this afternoon and bring it up.  I'll also marinate some meat to bring with me.  And there's breakfast on the camp stove, which is always bacon egg and cheese sandwiches and cereal, and Mmmm coffee.
Telling scary stories around the campfire - I'll tell you my secret about this.  I just summarize a Stephen King novel and man it sounds creepy.  Much scarier than if I tried to make something up.  Once you start thinking "Stephen King" the options become almost endless.  Imagine hearing the story of "It" or "Cujo" or "The Stand" or "The Long Walk".  They're creepy.
Hiking- Both on our own as well as taking the structured hikes with the camp rangers.  They make it very interesting with their facts and all.  They always do an after dark hike with flashlights that my son loves.
Drinking- I was just thinking that I probably haven't had a drink (not even wine!) for probably a month.  I just don't drink at home very often and haven't gone out lately, but camping just is not camping with booze IMHO.  Nothing like sitting around the campfire with a nice cocktail once the sun goes down.  This weekend's cocktail of choice will either be white sangria or a rum and fruit juice concoction.
Game Playing-  Cards (obv), Yahtzee, Sequence, Uno, Mastermind and Rummikub

Oh and Sugar Bear is bringing his paintball gun and some fireworks.  Blah to both, but he said the paintball gun was for "protection".  Um yeah,  unfortunately the woods are filled with critters, not that he'd shoot them - he loves them all; and they have skunks, raccoons *shudder*, chipmunks, owls, bears and I dunno, maybe sharks.

I'm very excited to just relax and get away from it all.  No work, no TV, laptops or anything!

Happy Independence Day my friends!



SirFWALGMan said…
No ghey sex with your secretary this time? :P
Josie said…

No. Although she asked me what I was doing for the weekend and I stupidly told her "camping". She invted herself and couldn't understand why I didn't already invite her. Ugh.

She ain't going.
Memphis MOJO said…
Happy camping to you.

Did you say yaking is your favorite thing?
Josie said…
LOL Mojo, you know me too well.
The Neophyte said…
Have a good 4th Josie. Never been camping myself. Have no real desire to do it unless it involves a big RV with a fridge full of beer.
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