Tennessee Boys and Poker

You know I'm partial to men, but my flava of the month is Tennessee men.  They're the bomb.  Not to stereotype (yet I'm about to) they seem to be the nicest and funniest men around. 

For example.....there's this hiker deep in the heart of Tennessee called Grant Silverstone.  Grant has done me the kindness of listing me on his blog under the title "Favorite Gals" and get this, I didn't even ask him to.  I get lots of referrals from his blog, so thank you Grant.  You remind me of a sexy poker dealer I used to know.  ;)

And then there's DUGGLE BOGEY.  He ain't so bad.  He knew that I wanted to see High Roller, The Stu Ungar Story, so he was kind enough to offer to send me a copy.  I got it yesterday in work and I was so excited I immediately opened it and took a picture of it.  (see below) 

Oooooo The movie I want to see is here!  Duggle Bogey rocks!

And then I noticed there was a note wrapped around the DVD.  That sweet Duggle Bogey sent me a note too! (see below)

I wonder what it says?

I opened the note only to find............................

The note is above....Red Sox Suck.  Doh!

He is one funny bastard and a nice guy too.  I watched the movie last night.  It was pretty good, but not exactly what I was looking for.  I was happy to see Michael Imperioli playing the lead.  (love him in The Sopranos) but the movie was mediocre.

Oh and I cannot mention the category of awesome Tennessee men without a nod to MemphisMojo.  No he hasn't sent me any movies lately or anything, but I'm not always about that.  cue the comments in 3,2,1...

And far as poker......I will leave you with a teaser because I like to tease.

I played a quick jaunt in Foxwoods this past Sunday.  My plan was to play a satty and win entry into one of the megastack tournaments in mid August.  I got there early so I played a cash game instead.....OMFG.

Details to follow.  Within 2 hours I'd more than tripled my buy in, and then lost a bunch.  Ugh, do I have some stories for you.  At the end of the session even though I'd lost more than half of what I'd won, I still had more than enough for the tourney buy in.  So that goal was accomplished and the day was another win but I could've left with so much more.

Ugh, I must go while I beat myself up more about this. Stories to follow.  One guy, who turns out is a dectective for city of Worcester (he gave me his business card) kept telling me everyone was afraid of me.  I laughed and said he was wrong and he replied "Well, I'm afraid of you".  Alot more on the dectective later...

Play smart.



Anonymous said…
Nobody from Worcester is afraid of anything.

Ya evah been to Woostah? My fawkin hometown, that shit hole, is a bunch of wicked retahded Massholes.

You don't fuck with Worcester.
Josie said…

Well I fucked with Wooster baby and lemme tell ya, he looked the part. As soon as I let it slip that he was a detective everyone at the table said "it figures". Nice guy though and I gave him the url to this blog.

Thinking of you donnie!
KenP said…
Josie and Donnie sitten by a tree
K - I - S - S - I - N - G

Two Don types from Worcester?

Sound like inbreeding!
Josie said…
Hmmm you must've heard rumors about us talking too much in vegas. We were only TALKING. :P
Memphis MOJO said…
Thanks for the nod.

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