The Bitch is Back

Well Whores, look who's back! To be clear, I'm only back because I'm wicked fucking bored and clearly I have things to say. I have years worth of poker stories to catch you up on, plus the current cluster fuck that is normal life. So yeah, I'm aware that poker blogging is about as dead as french kissing strangers but hey...I've always been worth a read. So kick your feet up and get ready for some daily Very Josie. I'm playing a tourney tonight online with Small Boat Drinks - remember that biatch? No? Just me? I'll get you up to date on my life too...interesting in a boring muthafucka kind of way. I see Grump and Lightning are still who knew?!? Play smart. The one. The only. Very Josie


thundering36 said…
I've waited over five years for your return and this is all I get? Chopped liver?

Happy New Year! I still don't get poker. Come visit me in Australia... oh yeah... not possible... that little flu thing. Wasn't that supposed to go away in two weeks or something?

Take care.
Lester said…
Please don't forget to post some cleavage shots! Thanks, Lester
Pete P. Peters said…
UR unnecessarily profane, lady. Unsubscribe unless you clean up UR act.
lightning36 said…
Good to see that you might make a few more posts. I have a bunch of links on my blog, including some who still post: Rob, TBC, and others including Flushhdraw, Ace, and Aye Caramba. The vloggers seemed to have peaked and are not nearly as popular now, so who knows what communication method will be popular in the future.
Hangar18 said…
Welcome back and Happy New Year to you.
seattleirish said…
Ship it! Glad to have you back, Josie.

ccndd said…
UMMMMM Still waiting.
sebszebra said…
Hello Josie. I have added you back to my home-page.

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