Be Careful

 After being holed up for so long because of this pandemic, I was/am chomping at the bit to play some real poker.  Besides, I still have my son's tuition payments to make.  So I was pretty excited to be invited to an underground game very close to me.

I went!

It seemed somewhat safe - masks, temperatures taken, sanitizer, but certainly no social distancing.  I was too distracted at the thought of live poker to really care.  So play I did.

At most I was up about $280 and at the end I left up $86. 

This is the first time I've ever thought "this game may not be for me".  I'll make a list of all the issues I had/have with it below.  But that being said, they're having another game tonight and I'm considering going again.

1. I just don't think it's the most profitable game for me, as they're all sharks.

2.  I don't think it's collusion, but all the other players are buddies, but more than that, they all seem to pay on credit - very few people throwing down benjamins for their chips besides me.

3. Game is run by a female dealer who I like, but I'm playing w a group of degen dealers.

4.  It's 2/5NL but these dudes playing on credit all sit down with $1,500 to start, which I don't do at 2/5.  my typical MO is to start with $500 on the table, and then one or 2 rebuys in my pocket.  Because of this, I was the shortie.  I don't think being the short stack is optimal.

5. When I played with them, I adjusted my game, tightening the eff up because of many reasons, certainly including #4 above.  Tightening both helped and hurt - I am unsure if it was more help or more hurt.

Hurt - I folded 2 hands preflop that I normally would've called and of course I smashed the flop.

Hurt - I 3-bet w AQ preflop and got one caller.  Flop comes Q-6-6.  I bet about a hundo w about $700 behind and the guy jams all in.  Normally I call here without much consideration but I just didn't like it.  I folded my AQ face up and everyone told  me I was nuts.

The villain showed one card, a 7.

This actually made me feel better.  He either had 6/7 sooted or pocket 7s.  I don't really see him jamming with a middle pair so I think it was the right thing, but yeah, it hurt.

Helped - many times I saw flops I connected with, only to realize I would've lost when the hand was over, so I know I saved myself a lot of chips.

Regardless, not the optimal environment for making cheddar, but it's the only cheese factory in town.  I'm leaning toward going and the voice inside my head is telling me the smart thing is to stay home and play on Poker Stars w SmBoat Drinks.

Tune in tomorrow, same bat time to hear about my misery or glory.

Play smart,



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