Playing online with OMC

Very little poker had been going on because of Covidia, but I've been playing a little lately. 

 SmallBoat Drinks is running an online "Home Game" on Poker Stars that's a lot of fun and most games are $10 each. You ship it to him via Venmo,unless you play smart like me, in which case he ships TO YOU. ;) 

 Anyway, he's running his WSOP events now so there are more games than usual. 4-5 per week and he's throwing in shiat like Badugi, HORSE, Omaha Hi/Lo O8 or better. Fun stuff. Let me or Boatie know if you want the info to join. There's about 45 players now, mostly from the old school blogger era. You can leave a comment here or DM me on Twitter. 

 Last night was Omaha Hi/Lo which is probably my worst game, save Seven Card Stud. However, Mama won! First place which got me a ToC seat entry and the first WSOP bracelet. If the bracelet is virtual I'm gonna be pissed. 

 I had Jalupe, SmBoat Drinks, DLpimpin, Rancher, Johnny G, Lady Luck and others at my table. Since I've been playing with these peeps for a few weeks I have a decent idea of how they play, and I'm sure they feel the same way about me. I won't adding names to below. 

 One of them is pretty exploitable. Their bet sizing is good but they fold to raises and 3bets more often than not, and is capable of bluffing. 

 Another - if this person is in the hand, they have something good. Unless I have a monster, if they're in, I'm behind. Doesn't mean I won't pay for a turn or riv card to hit my draw. 

 Another - Old Man Coffee time! I took most of their blinds with aggression because they'd give them to me every time. Positive reinforcement! That being said, this person would. not. die. Like a cockroach. 8K with 1,500/3,000 blinds for a couple hours. But I finally stomped on him. 

 Another - always has the goods when he bets big, always bets big when he has the goods. I am learning (very slowly) to fold here. 

 Another - I SWEAR this person follows me in every hand I'm in, and I play a lot of hands. I can limp, I can bet 3xBB, I can bet pot - doesn't matter, he calls it all. Obv has a crush on me. j/k Obv thinks he can outplay me - that's the only reason I can think of why he'd be in every pot of mine. He's a good player though. 

 More fun than I usually have on Monday nights. 

I also played an underground degen game about a week and a half ago. I haven't been back yet. I'll write about that next. 

 Play smart and stay safe.



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