In the Frying Pan

 Hello my peeps, my friends, my fellow bored poker enthusiasts,

It is effing FRIDAY.  I'm working for another 3 hours, remotely at home.  Shoot me now.  In theory it's great to work from home, but omg I'm in my little box 24 hours per day.  Thankfully I started going back to the gym this past week.  That helps.


I worked at home till 6, went to the gym and then played poker at that den of illrepute.  This time instead of there being a table full of 20somethings who think they're all that, we also had 3 big fishies who barely knew how to play.  And they were my age...ish.

One guy would jam $800 all-in, to a $40 pot.  He didn't know what a straddle was...good times.

I let the woman who runs the game know that I would only be able to stay 2 hours because it was a work night and she was fine with it.  But the game was so good I stayed for 3 hours.  Nothing too eventful happened in that final hour but time was needed to see if I could get in one more good hand with one of the fish.

One guy bought in 3 times @ 1K each.  After that he excused himself to go to the car to get more cash.

I'm shaking my head that I didn't have more opportunities.  He kept saying "I'm afraid of you, we're all afraid of you."

I did leave up $1,200 for my 3 hours and mostly courtesy of that dude.

I was all wound up when I got home after 11 and didn't actually get to sleep until 1am.


I played the online $10 tourney on Poker Stars with SmBoat Drinks. he's having a WSOP series or some shit.  Last night's game was NLHE short deck. First time I've ever playing a short deck game.  Certainly fun!  No rebuys for me - not even sure if that was an option.  In the end I came in 4th place, the bubble.  3 in the money.  Fawk.  I dunno, it's still fun.  I'm certainly not playing this home game to make money, just to entertain myself.

There may be another home game tonight on stars, and if there is I'll be playing as well as finishing season 2 of You on Netflix.  OMG what a show.  I'm hooked but I think I'm the last person to see it.

I am going to focus on working for the next two hours, 8 minutes.  :)  But then I really am.

Play smart.



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