Step Into My Parlor

...said the spider to the fly.

Grrouchie did a post yesterday called FOR THE LADIES which I enjoyed very much.  And since I love to steal good ideas and use them for my own, I decided to do a post for you guys, and what you enjoy.

Just for you my pet.  So get comfy and enjoy.

Let's start with a beer, shall we?

Pale? Amber? Stout?  Whatever your pleasure, I happen to have it on tap.  And what's beer without football, on a big TV?

Perhaps in the company of a woman in an oversized football jersey?

She does NOT look like a plumber, btw.

Of course, football isn't football without something yummy.


As yummy as they are there is something yummier.  Something all guys really like. 

PORN.  Yeah baby porn.  Do I have a porn star for you.

Now this isn't just any porn star.  Someone emailed me a photo of a porn star, saying he was watching some porn and the porn star looked like me!  Very Josie! 

Here's she is.....

What?  You wanted her in a state of undress?  Well this post is stuff that you like....and I bet you wouldn't mind a little less clothing, right?

I aim to please...

Okay, so maybe our similarities stop at the neck.

Happy Friday...hmmm maybe I should do a "I know what guys like post every Friday. Heck, I may even include poker next time!



grrouchie said…
I feel honored to have you rip off, copy one of my ideas :)
yeah, that's the ticket.

I hope you haven't posted anything because it's going to be an extra long truly epic post about your lunch and then evening went :)
I see you are still functioning normally so I guess I lose that bet to lightning.
Josie said…
Heh. Get used to it.

The night was very underwelming. for the first time ever she was pretty normal and wanted to leave early. wtf. I'll do a write up over the weekend. *yawn*
Josie said…
Waffles, lol ya.

We need to work on a plan for this girl btw.


"Is it a good sign if she wants to ride the train home with me and said I looked adorable with my new haircut?"

Dude, next thing she'll be humping your leg. MAKE A MOVE. Invite her to lunch and be your funny, cute self.
Rob said…
What's strange is that there's a pic of YOU giving head on your site but not a picture of your porn star look-alike giving head. What's wrong with this picture?
Josie said…
Sugar, that's not a picture of me giving head. If you believe that's head then I feel bad for you because you've been missing out on a helluva lot. :) Trust me.
Rob said…
Oh my gosh, Josie, you have a frighteningly accurate insight into my sex life.
Josie said…
Rob, LOL I'm just trying to give you lip. (not head, lol I crack myself up)
Rob said…
Giving me "lip" is a an excellent start, that alone will keep me going the rest of the day! Thanks!
SirFWALGMan said…
So if someone gives you email and phone number...
Josie said…
@waffles, lol Awesome! I predict next week it'll be....

So if someone gives you a blowjob..
sebszebra said…
You do not give us a name of that model to feed into Google Images?
Josie said…
Seb, first of all, she isn't a model, she's a porn star, so keep that in mind.

Second of all, you're right! I never thought of that! I don't know her name as I said these were emailed to me, but I will find out and update the blog. Thanks for the idea.
sebszebra said…
That's exactly what I had in mind.
grrouchie said…
Using my Google Goggles
Vannah Sterling
Josie said…
Well Seb, according to Grrouchie it's Vannah Sterling...and grrouchie wasn't the original sender.
Zin said…
That Vannah Sterling is a little on the chunky side whoever she is. Anyone that waste money on porn is a sick person. Go get some help.
Anonymous said…
replace pics with pics of josie in porno poses imo


FBoy weeeeeeeeeeee
Josie said…
Zin, I think that's her implants.

FBoy, Noooo!!!! I'm a poker player not a porn star, besides I'm old, unlike the young vannah sterling.
Anonymous said…
how old?

over under 28

i bet $10 under xDDxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Josie said…
Lol u owe me $10! Way over 28.
Anonymous said…
damn dat ass
Anonymous said…
ru from boston texas? or austin massachusetts?
Anonymous said…
going out drinking
messaging random pokie woman off internets
strange dreams

f to teh b,o, oiiiiiii
badbilly32 said…
isnt a9 +2 considered ace rag? imjustsayin..... lol
badbilly32 said…
then you snap call that raise and subsequent all in?
Josie said…
:( yeah. I suck. I threw that tourney away on ace rag. I was playing really well before that hand tho. Btw were u watching last night too?
Zin said…
@josie, josie you need to practice what you preach, always telling Tony (your better half)not to play A rag, what happened, no excuses please.
grrouchie said…
I followed the link to rakebrain or whatever.
I signed up.
I signed up for BCP and was told that after blah blah blah confirmed my account i'd get an email so I can play.

it's been like 4 days now and I am still unable to play.

All this talk about throwing tourney's with A/rag is making me want to play online poker dammit!!!

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