
I was chatting with TBC the other day via instant message and he asked me a very thought provoking question. 

"Who is the best poker player of the guys you actually know?"

Ooooo, what an excellent question!  I went through the rolodex in my brain of the many, many poker players I know.  I'm sure I had a far away look glazed over my eyes......

"Well?  Who's the best of people you actually know?"

He wanted an answer immediately but such a question needed to be pondered slowly, savored like the taste of a fine wine.  Unfortunately he isn't the most patient person in the world so I answered with my gut.  Since then I've been thinking more carefully about the question and the myriad of  possible answers, yet I still came up with the same answer. 

So let me ask you......

1.) Who is the best poker player you actually know, besides me of course.  :) 
2.) Who do you think was my answer?

I'll give you my answer tomorrow, but please give me your answers today.  :)  That's fair, isn't it?

Play smart.



KenP said…
That is a do you still beat your wife type of question. Best in poker is transient. Pros are the musical chairs version of that truth.

At this moment in time, it has to be Mojo, if you are talking tournaments. For ring, it is impossible to gather sufficient data to make an informed choice.

But, if you want to go with blog hyperbola and overstatement, congrats.

Of course, if any of us wasn't that modest and sober...
Josie said…
Grrouchie, no I didn't pick you as I have never seen you play. You could be the next Phil Ivey and I just don't know.
sevencard2003 said…
reading grouchies post on how i played the ak hand, and then someone elses post on how i played it correctly, tells u its not him. although if i made any bad play on that hand it was not going allin on the turn if i was really confident in my read.
Josie said…
Oh you're awake! I am going to leave a comment on your post that I want you to read TWICE. Really think about what I'm saying please.
Wolfshead said…
Poker player or holdem player, there is a difference.
Josie said…
Wolfie, good point. When he asked he was playing Omaha, but I suppose my answer was based on holdem.
Josie said…
@gary, I know right? Mullet Dave is the OTHER pokah dave, who doesn't blog. Ahem, mullet dave did once tell me that i was a better player than him. *whistling*
crafty said…
Don't get too bigheaded about that; he said the EXACT SAME THING about me and I know that ain't true.
(True story)
Josie said…
Ugh - talk about taking me down a notch or 2 or 10. That bastard!
crafty said…
Yeah, totally...HEY!!
SirFWALGMan said…
1. Me
2. Me

there can be no other answer. It is fini. It must be me. mememememememememeemememememememememe!!!
Josie said…
Yes you might have mentioned it. I respectfully disagree.
Josie said…
grump's a good one. I must say all you guys are at the cream of the crop....
SirFWALGMan said…
grump sucks, mojo sucks, ken sucks, it's me for sure..
sebszebra said…
"I must say all you guys are at the cream of the crop..."

Thanks very much. If I am that good, I really should start playing.

Josie said…
I meant all the guys suggested in the comments. i.e. mojo, mullet dave, grump, etc. lol

you should def start playing if your poker game is on par with your sports betting.

clip clop!
Memphis MOJO said…
I appreciate being mentioned, but you guys are way off base doing that. I play a nitty style that occasionally gets lucky.
Josie said…
@mojo, nitty yes, lucky no.
Zin said…
Holdem player i would have to say my self, i fear no one.

All around poker player i would have to say my ex boss Rocky Hellums, multi millionaire.

In all honesty i really do not think there actually is a best poker player, some are just better that day than others.
Josie said…
@Zin, I'd kick ur ass at holdem. No doubt.
Zin said…
Lol, that was to funny Josie. We will have to find out one of these days.
Etickets said…
Since I don't know any pros personally I would have to say myself.
KenP said…
I'd kick ur ass at holdem. No doubt.

Hellmuth with boobs and pms...
Josie said…
@etickets, Hi! I'm Josie, and I'd kick ur ass at holdem. No doubt. :) Please comment again.

@ken, the pms is only 4 days out of the month though.
grrouchie said…
@Josie - I am not the next phil ivey - i'm not even the next phil ivey's wife :)

My goal in life is to maybe be the next Mike the Mouth if'n I can get lucky, maybe without the drug addiction thing.
Wolfshead said…
Ken, naw, she's too old for PMS these days
Josie said…
OMFG Wolfie! I will beat you so hard your mama won't recognize you. I am NOT that old! Whore!
Zin said…
@josie, you can kick my ass if i can spank your ass, lol.
KenP said…
She may be right Wolfie. PMS can't explain her attitude the other 24-27 days of the month. Sounds like she isn't ready for a graceful transition there either.
Josie said…
@zin, you're going to have to buy me dinner first. :)

@ken, ahh nothing like grumpy old men in the morning!
KenP said…
Echoed by equally grumpy, "mature" women who worship at Wolfie and my feet. The only question is the frequency Wolfie and I bother to acknowledge them. I guess we should add whether we find them to ancient to bother with -- morning or otherwise.
Zin said…
@josie name the time and place Miss josie, hopefully some where in Vegas.
Josie said…
lol Zin. Are you calling my bluff? Maybe you can play poker.

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