Almost The Weekend

I cannot wait for this day to be done and the weekend to start.  It's been a long week and it's sure to be a long day in work.  Preparing end of month and end of year crapola all day long and nothing looks promising.  Blahhh  Speaking of work....It's January 6th and I still do not have the new calendars that I asked the receptionist to order for me.  And by "ask" I mean I wrote down the item #, the color and the pages where the items could be found.  I did this on 12/22/11.  I was determined to see if she'd mention them but she hadn't so I brought it up.  "Have my calendars come in?"

"Oh I haven't ordered them yet because there's nothing else on my list."

I blinked at her.

"So what?" I asked.


"We get free delivery.  You can order items every day. (she's been here 8 years and knows this) And um, they're calendars, and it's 2012. (I assume she knows this too)

Who wants to bet I have my 2012 calendars before the end of January?  I'm not sure which side I'd take. 

Oh and lookie to the right. ---> 

I have 48 followers now!  Come on people we are trying for my sister's age! (she'd kill me if she read this)  And once we reach that, our next goal is my mother's age but one step at a time.

Anyway, Mr. 48 is a guy called Peter P. Peters, or something to that effect and he writes a poker blog of his own, called the Poker Barrister.  Check it out if you'd like....or not.  Yet another lawyer *yawn* who plays poker.  Why is it that half the players I know are lawyers?  What's  up with that?  Anyway, he actually writes about poker *gasp* which is few and far between these days.  Plus, he posted this thought provoking question on Tony's blog yesterday:

PPP: Tony: If you were forced to chose, would you rather sleep with a woman with no arms, or with no legs. For purposes of this question, assume both the armless and the legless woman are equally interested in watching you play poker afterwards.


Grouchie answered first with: Define sleep with?  Because if it's in the pure sense of the word you'd have to go no legs because you can still have her arms wrapped around you for warmth and comfort.
If you are not meaning it in such a pure sense then no arms because she can still wrap her legs around your head and that's a bonus if'n you ask me

Awesome answer IMHO.

Then Waffles, ever the problem solver piped in with: No legs all the way... Nothing blocking access baby!

That is a thinker!

As for poker, the only poker I will be playing this weekend is of the on-line variety.  *fingers crossed* that I don't go busto!

Play smart.



Cranky said…
VJ - PPP's question on TBC's blog made me feel queasy. What is wrong with people?
Josie said…
I know what you mean. I'm assuming he was just kidding around. but yeah, I see your point.
Josie said…
Plus 99% of those comments on his blog make me queasy. I don't get people and I never will, nor do I want to. Don't get me started!!!
grrouchie said…
Being that TBC's blog is a train wreck and that is why most of his readers actually show up daily, the sad part is that those of us who actually root for him to succeed and try to give him good advice have to deal with all the other ass-hats.

So, the worst stuff that they ever think of they post in there because they feel that it's acceptable because Tony sometimes goes on outburts where he says some off the wall and sometimes offensive shit.

Either way.
Easy, Queasy, Beautiful, Covergirl!
Off to work :)
Josie said…
Whatever grrouchie. Someone smart said it was akin to kicking a puppy and I tend to agree. How I haven't shown my real temper on his blog I don't know. Big people oustmarting a guy who is clearly disabled. Karma has a plan for them.
crafty said…
If one is worried about legs blocking access, one is either doing it wrong or a rapist.
Josie said…
@gary, ooo snap! History has proven that Waffles is not a rapist. Othewise, au pair after au pair wouldn't be sent to his house. Although that has ceased now. hmmm lol
SirFWALGMan said…
Dude you can do some seriously funky shit with a chick with no legs... the legs just get in the way. Go to to see.
Josie said…
lol, i told you waffles was a thinker!
crafty said…
And of course, what does one call a woman with no legs?

Nothing, she won't come when you call her anyway.

As regards a porn site featuring amputees? Let's just, er, cut that off right here.
lightning36 said…
Josie -- fyi -- did you know that if you click on the the hot link with your name in Tony's comments section that you get directed to -- an uber religious site? I shiat you not. : o )
Josie said…
lol someone else told me that. no idea how or why that is. someone is fucking with me - big shock,huh?
lightning36 said…
No -- the word blogspot is just spelled incorrectly. Whether it was done intentionally or not -- dunno.
Josie said…
Ohhh thanks sweetie. just fixed it.
crafty said…
this might actually be a disappointment to you and your only partially accurate opinion that the world revolves around you, but anything entered in the blogPSot domain redirects to the Jumping Jesus site. Which seems sneaky and un-christian, preying on people who mis-type something, but a Christer whose pants I often tried to get into - unsuccessfully, alas - often used the quote "you can be as sly as a fox if your motives are gentle as a lamb" - which indicates that lying and cheating is ok if you do it in the name of Christ. You Christians are so wacky!
Josie said…
Alright Mr. Snarky, thank you for that, and Sabat Shalom!
crafty said…
It's RABBI Snarky, thank you. I didn't go to Snarky School for six years to be called "Mr."

And: Shabbat Shalom zu dir, shayne maid'l!
lightning36 said…
@ Gary: "You Christians are so wacky!"

Bigot! I have nothing but respect for a heritage that produced the Three Stooges. Not to mention those cool motorcycles -- the Yamulkas, right? : o )
Josie said…
lol Lightning, May the Lord be with you!
sebszebra said…
Q: Where do you find a girlfriend with no legs or arms?

A: Where you left her.

A sick joke for a sick subject.

There was a terrible film, Boxing Helena, that was about a surgeon that kept his legless armless unwilling girlfriend in a box.
Wolfshead said…
I just want to know why Waffles has the url of an amputee sex site to hand? Would you really want to go out with him knowing that? i'm in to kinky but he makes me look like a Catholic school boy
Josie said…
Seb, a sick joke from you? I'm shocked! lol

I remember that movie. Blah.
Josie said…
@wolfie....oooo you're into kinky? we must discuss this in depth during our next road trip. I will wear the school girl outfit. lol
Wolfshead said…
Forget the schoolgirl outfit. That's one Japanese idiosyncracy that never wanted to bother with.
lightning36 said…
@ Wolfie "i'm in to kinky but he makes me look like a Catholic school boy"

Something tells me that you and Waffles are not as far apart as one might think. : o )

And hey -- nothing wrong with a Catholic school boy. I was one, you know ...
Wolfshead said…
So was I and they never taught us about amputee sex in my school
sevencard2003 said…
id like to get rid of most comments on my blog. not the ones from u guys

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