So I'm walking home from the Bus Stop
As Cranky suggested, I rode the bus home and lost myself in the final book of the Gunslinger series. I am so very close to the end, yet I don't really want it to. I don't know if I don't want it to end so much as I don't want to read the ending I disliked so much the first time. In any event, the stresses of the day rolled off my back, and I was walking home. Singing a bit to myself as I motored along. Until... Far ahead of me I saw something BIG at the corner of the sidewalk,where I make a turn. It was a huge German Shepard who was thankfully on a leash. I was pretty far away from him still, yet I was mapping my escape route. Dogs do not stay in the middle of the sidewalk immobile though, so I was anxiously hoping dog and owner would move before I approached them. No such luck. I saw the guy tug the leash but the dog was focused. On me. (I shiat you not) and wouldn't move. His eyes were all alert and happy and was kin...