You should be glad you don't live in Boston MA

Because if you lived here, you'd need a hat like the one I was sporting for the commute this morning.

America Runs On Dunkin



Mike Heffner said…
new avatar photo, obv.
KenP said…
Damn sexy eyes. No comment on what's sitting above `em.
Josie said…
Heff, Um NO.

Ken, that was almost nice!
Anonymous said…
This is a great pic! You look fierce! (And cold)
Memphis MOJO said…
Great shot. Who took it? Looks like a real camera, not a phone.
Josie said…
Mojo, I dunno what kind of camera - it was a coworkers....trying to document my misery.
OhCaptain said…
Geez, you'd think it was actually cold there. Sigh.
Josie said…
LOL Captain! I know it ain't Minnesota but it was a chilly 7 degrees today. If you factor in the windchill it's exactly -199. Brrr
OhCaptain said…
Hehe! It's 22 degrees here today (heat wave!), but that's also 44 degrees warmer than last Friday. I put the kids on the bus at -22. That's a bit chilly :)
BamBam said…
Drunkin' Donuts Coffee was the only type Peb's would drink, as we made our way across the Eastern Seaboard last Summer.

FWIW: I think its a great pic too Josie.

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