True Story

Have I ever told you that I loooooooove kids and babies?  Would I like to live with more than one of them?  No!  I'm too lazy and kids are alot of work.  I just like playing with them.  They bring me joy. 

A few years ago someone in the office had a baby and when she emailed the pic to me, I put it up as my desktop background cuz like I said, I LOVE BABIES!  Since then, I've always kept someone's kid on my desktop.  Whenever someone stops by they always want to see whose cute kid is being featured.  Coworkers email me their kids pics regularly so I rotate.  It's always been kids for the last few years.  Whenever I see those innocent eyes it picks up my day.

Until the group blogger photo...

I replaced a cute little 2 yr old girl with Oh Captain's blogger pic and I got quite a few disgruntled comments from parents but the funniest came from a Senior Associate the other day.  This is a divorced guy with no kids and the best way to describe him is "metrosexual".  Always dresses to the nines with every hair in place, usually wearing a tie, although it's NOT required.  You know the type, right?

So he glances at my desktop, sees the pic and says "Oh this must be from the Vegas trip".  Yup!

Then he looks a little closer and says "What a group of people.  They look like they just rolled out of bed."

I explain that yes, most of us did just roll out of bed and most are hung over.  He digests this nugget and responds....

"But still, take a look at that sorry you actually know him, did you talk to him?"

My answer?

"That's Lightning!  Of course I talked to him! That's my buddy."

True story!


PS.  I replaced the blogger pic this morning with a couple of Mormon cuties.


SirFWALGMan said…
LMAO. I always say that about Lightning too.
lightning36 said…
He's never seen a guy in a tee shirt and sweatpants before? I mean -- he wears nice clothes while he's walking his poodle and cornholing her afterwards?
Josie said…
I think you look hot, and really, what else matters?
lightning36 said…
This reminds me of a funny incident. I was going to a Chicago Bears game years ago with my brother-in-law, Mark. Interesting thing is that Mark is a classic metrosexual. Anyway, we were bundled up for a winter outside game and were walking toward Soldier Field. We had to cross paths (indoors at McCormick Place) with the crowd in town for the International Kennel Club Dog Show. We walked past one guy who sniffed to his friend,"Well ... we know THEY aren't going to the dog show. Harumfffff."
Josie said…

I wanna go to Soldier Field! I'd even dress up! Fuck who am I kidding? No I wouldn't....
If you like kids, you can have any of mine, anytime you'd like. I'll keep my boy, but you can have your choice of a 5 year old or a 3 year old. I'll even pay you to take either of them.
Josie said…
Awww I'd take both, but like only for the weekend. Didja see the part about how I don't wanna LIVE with them? :)

Kids really like ME too. Unfortunately I do not have the same effect on adults.
DuggleBogey said…
Something about "well dressed" and "blogger" doesn't really go together, does it?

Things like "laid back" and "slacker" seem to go much better.
Memphis MOJO said…
Unfortunately I do not have the same effect on adults.

Since when?
Josie said…
Oh Mojo, I piss adults off all the time, and I'm always shocked when it happens cuz it's never intentional....

Hmmmm maybe you're like a kid....I do recall that I haven't pissed you off YET.
PokahDave said…
Bah! this is hilarious...poor lightning! LOLLOLOLOL!!!
Josie said…
It was hilarious to hear but I think Lightning looks fine - more than fine actually as he has a great smile. You have to consider the uptight source.

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