
I just realized that I had another photo of Lightning from the WPBT that I forgot to post.  See below and please enjoy!

Lightning baby!

Isn't it a spitting image?

I'm leaving work early for the next WBCOOP event.  I am tied for 5th place on the leader board and Mama wants to move up.  Unfortunately it's like 8 different games..

Limit 2-7 Triple Draw
Limit HE
Limit O8
Razz (my specialty)
Limit Stud
Limit Stud 8
NLHE (where I'll get my chips)
PLO (where I frigging rocked)

Seriously the weak links are Razz and 2-7 Triple D.  I've never even heard of the latter!  Do any of you play this game?  Imma gonna Google it and then win.  :)

Wish me luck!  Lightning, I assume you'll be railing me?  Or would you rather I publish more pics of you?  lol

Play smart.



lightning36 said…
I did something to deserve this?
Josie said…
LOL No, he just kinda looks like you...
Memphis MOJO said…
GL in the game today.
Bayne_S said…
2-7 Triple draw is low only, Aces are high only and flushes and straights count.

There is no shame in folding hands you would play in Razz
Josie said…
Thanks Bayne...3 hours into it and I'm still in the game. 240 peeps left. I found out about the aces being high the hard way. Boooo! Not playing much of the games I dont know (half of them).

As far as the "Lightning" photo, WAFFLES DARED ME TO DO IT. And I can't turn down a dare...Lightning Baby....forgive me? (and blame waffles)
PokahDave said…
LMFAO@lighting36! Be careful though...he may be the only thing keeping your head from growing to large after all the recent poker scores...
lightning36 said…
If Waffles dared you to walk out in front of a speeding car, would you?

Josie-Free Zone time ...
Josie said…
Josie said…
Double D, Losing that 8 game tourney helped me out just ine. 178th place. blah
The Neophyte said…
Sorry about how the tourney finished for you Josie. Those were 2 bad beats in a row. I was too late to get into that tourney I'm sad to say. You did a good job of staying out of trouble from what I saw and going with your strengths. Bad luck
Josie said…
Thanks Neo - So close to a ticket too....I couldn't believe losing with the best hand twice in a row, but that's part of the game.

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