Seabrook Tourney - I did it!!!

I have a long recap in me, but no time to write it just yet.

I returned to the scene last night (Seabrook poker room) and threw my $100 back in.  This time I winned!  Kinda.......

Many, many details to follow.  The most important one being "Mama's rich!"

Play smart.



Anonymous said…
Congrats girl.

Put some of that loot in your Vegas fund.
KenP said…
Lightning is looking toward being a kept man.
Josie said…
I dunno about keeping him, but maybe I'll borrow him. :)
Memphis MOJO said…
Good job - looking forward to a full recap.
lightning36 said…
Me thinks that KenP has been taking a nip or two too many to keep him warm ...

Kinda won? Chop? Details ...

Congrats, i guess ...
The Neophyte said…
Congrats Josie, hopefully you didn't bet on the Patsies or you may need those riches to pay off with.
BVUGrad2003 said…
Congrats, Josie!! Can't wait to read the details :)
Anyone want action on an over/under number of dealers she beat up during the tourney? I'm thinking 1.5 should be the opening line :)
Josie said…
Light, Ken says I get to keep you! Yay me!

Chop plus! lol

Neo baby - The pats are out and I am bummed!

BVU Grad - You know me a bit too well - a few guys got smacked around but no one lost a limb or anything. :)
PokahDave said…
Awesome. Details are needed...

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